中華民國快樂英語協會 (台北 、桃園、新竹、台中、 台南、高雄) Happy English Club (台北、桃園、新竹、台中、台南、高雄) 內政部97年3月4日台內社字第0970027151號 |
各讀書會章程 ( Club Principle )
一、讀書會宗旨:提供社會大眾一個優質且免費的英語會話學習環境。 1. Club Goal: To provide this society an excellent and free English Conversation environment. 二、讀書會緣起:Happy想創辦一個英文讀書會。 2. Club Origin: Happy wanted to establish an English conversation club. 三、讀書會願景:讓每一位蒞臨快樂英語會話社的朋友們,都能增進英語會話能力。 3. Club Vision: To improve the English conversation ability of every friend who comes to our club. 四、讀書會創辦人:Happy Jan,男,1977年生。 4. Founder: Happy Jan, male, born in 1977. 五、讀書會創會日期:2005/06/18。 5. Founding Date: Jun./18th/2005. 6. Gathering Time and Place: According to the announcement of the Website. 七、讀書會風格:用英語輕鬆閒聊及探討有深度的議題,來增進英語會話能力。 7. Club Style: To improve English conversation abilities by chatting freely and discussing issues. 八、讀書會流程:第一個小時,用英語輕鬆閒聊。第二個小時,用英語探討具有深度的議題。 8. Gathering Process: In the first hour, we chat freely in English. In the second hour, we discuss some issues in English. 九、讀書會會員:歡迎社會各界菁英參與。 9. Club Members: All the elite from every field is welcomed to join us. 十、讀書會論壇:歡迎您加入論壇( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ )問問題或討論讀書會的點點滴滴,此論壇是讀書會重點發展網站。 10. Club Forum: Welcome to register in the Forum to ask questions or discuss all the stuffs of the club. This is an important part of the club. 十一、讀書會每週英文討論文章:歡迎您閱讀每週英文討論文章 ( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/viewforum.php?f=33 ),請列印/抄寫每週英文討論文章,並帶至讀書會參與討論。 11. Club Weekly English Article: Welcome to read weekly English article. ( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/viewforum.php?f=33 ) Please print/write the weekly English article and bring it to the club to discuss. 十二、讀書會網站:請將 讀書會網站 ( http://www.happyforum.org/ )加入我的最愛,並轉寄網址給親友。轉寄出去,造福更多想學英文的朋友。 12. Club Website: Welcome to add the Club Website into “My Favorites.” Forward it to benefit those who want to learn English. 十三、讀書會家族: 讀書會家族已關閉,請改至讀書會論壇。( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ ) 13. Club Family: Closed. Please refer to Club Forum.( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ ) 十四、讀書會行事曆:( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/viewforum.php?f=33 ) 14. Club calendar: ( http://www.happyforum.org/happy/viewforum.php?f=33 ) 十五、 各讀書會會員會費: 各讀書會會員會費為新台幣1,000元整,一次繳清終身制;來賓可參與例會試聽三次。 Happy English Club為非營利組織 (Nonprofit Organization),不以營利為目的;為維持讀書會運作,各讀書會會員會費全數作為各讀書會運作的開銷之用,例如:會員慶生蛋糕、競賽獎品、讀書會各項雜支、提升各讀書會英文環境品質、、、、等等。 各讀書會會員向各讀書會繳交各讀書會會員會費,其權利義務僅適用於該讀書會,不適用於其他讀書會。 30位協會會員入會費及年費: 各讀書會的會員可能會被提名成為協會會員;協會會員的協會入會費100元及協會年費100元由協會經費提撥,協會會員個人不需支付協會入會費及協會年費。本協會30位協會會員席次,依相同比率分配給各讀書會,台北讀書會擁有協會會員五席、桃園讀書會擁有協會會員五席、新竹讀書會擁有協會會員五席、台中讀書會擁有協會會員五席、台南讀書會擁有協會會員五席、高雄讀書會擁有協會會員五席。 場地費:
各地讀書會多於咖啡館、會議廳或是其他租借場地舉行,部分場地可能需支付最低消費、包廂費或清潔費等,確切場地相關費用請依聚會現場說明為準。 15. Club Members: The lifelong club member fee of the club, one thousand NTD, is a one-time fee with no renewal necessary. Guests can audit the gathering for three times. Happy English Club is a nonprofit organization, therefore its purpose is not to make the profit from members and guests. In order to maintain the club smoothly, all the member fee is used for the consumption of the branch, such as the birthday cakes, contest rewards, stuffs for improving the English learning environment of the branch, etc. Club Member pays the Club Member Fee to the specific club. The Club Member Right and the Club Member Obligation take effects only to the specific club. 30 Association Members: Each club member might be nominated to become association member. The 100 NTD association member fee and the 100 NTD association annual fee is sponsored by Happy English Association. Association Member personally does not have to pay the association member fee nor the association annual fee. The 30 association members are distributed to each club by the same rate. Taipei Happy English Club owns 5 association members, Taoyuan Happy English Club owns 5 association members, Hsinchu Happy English Club owns 5 association members, Taichung Happy English Club owns 5 association members, Tainan Happy English Club owns 5 association members, and Kaohsiung Happy English Club owns 5 association members. Entrance Fee: Every club holds gatherings in cafes, conference rooms or rented spaces. You might need to pay the minimum charge, rental or other kind of fee. Please pay attention to the payment information at gathering places. 十六、讀書會會員權益: 讀書會經常為會員慶生。 16. Member Rights: We often hold the birthday celebration for the members. 十七、讀書會會員義務:請常來參加讀書會的英文例會,並多多邀請朋友來參加。 17. Member Obligations: Please join the English gathering as often as possible and invite your friends to come. 十八、讀書會幹部:會員可自願擔任 讀書會幹部,學習讀書會的運作。 18. Club Officers: Members can volunteer to take the officer positions to learn the operation of the club. 十九、讀書會章程得隨時增修訂。 19. This Principle can be revised when it needs. 二十、讀書會章程由Happy撰寫,無版權問題,歡迎轉寄。 20. This Principle is written by Happy. The forwarding does not concern the copyright issues. 二十一、會員對讀書會有不當之行為時,得取消其會員資格。 21. The membership can be canceled when the member does the unsuitable behavior to the club. 二十二、讀書會相關爭議,以台北地方法院為第一審法院。 22. Taipei District Court is the first instance in case of disputes relating to the club.
讀書會章程快樂英文讀書會章程內含讀書會宗旨,讀書會緣起,讀書會願景,讀書會創辦人,讀書會創會日期,讀書會時間地點,讀書會風格,讀書會流程,讀書會會員,讀書會論壇,讀書會電子報,讀書會網站,讀書會家族,讀書會行事曆,讀書會會費,讀書會會員權益,讀書會會員義務,讀書會幹部等相關資訊.讀書會章程詳列英文社團章程,英文社團緣起英文社團願景,英語社團相關資訊,歡迎轉寄. 新竹英文讀書會章程2010年11月6日聚會討論文章,台南英文讀書會章程2010年10月30日聚會討論文章 latest updated 20120609 讀書會 讀書會最新消息 讀書會照片 讀書會錄影 演講比賽 讀書會章程 讀書會宗旨 讀書會緣起 讀書會願景 讀書會創辦人 讀書會創會日期 讀書會時間地點 讀書會風格 讀書會流程 讀書會會員 讀書會論壇 讀書會電子報 讀書會網站 讀書會家族 讀書會行事曆 讀書會會費 讀書會會員權益 讀書會會員義務 讀書會幹部 讀書會章程修訂 讀書會章程轉寄 讀書會信箱 讀書會 |