
20191019, Article, Taichung

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

版主: larry168, stockmovie, Ellen Tsai, GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, Harrywang, kevinliu, Happy Jan, Tigervip9999, lisa0213, AmyLu1114, ianxue, ericwon, Winniehsuehh, JasonFang23, Petite, no1wei, Denise Kuo, evainnuk, sukaxon, Celine, Jasmine0316, David Tsai, cherry2323, janiej, DavidCH, RichardYeh, piscesvicky, Kevin01, MandyPan

20191019, Article, Taichung

文章Jasmine0316 » 週一 10月 14, 2019 11:54 am

網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論

歡迎加入Taichung Happy English Club粉絲團


Time:第 485 會,2019 年 10 月 19 日(週六)下午2:30~5:30

14:30~15:30 Session One
15:30~15:50 Speech Session
15:50~16:00 Change Group and then Break Time
16:00~17:15 Session Two
17:15~17:30 Happy Time

Host: Annie
Assistant Host:

Why We Watch Movies


Please Note:
Venue:台中市南屯區 大業路182號 Mos Burger二樓
Thanks a lot for your attention.


1. 1. Please share your impressive experience of seeing a movie. When, where and with whom? Why does it make an impression on you?

2. Have you seen a movie twice or more times? Did you have different ideas or feelings while watching it again?

3. When it comes to seeing a movie, which place would you prefer, at the theater or at home? Why?

4. Have you ever seen yourself in a character on screen? Please describe the character and what you have in common with this character.

週六晚餐(Saturday Dinner)
戶外活動(Club Outing)
文章: 1029
註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: 20191019, Article, Taichung

文章Jasmine0316 » 週五 10月 18, 2019 12:56 am

Dear Taichung Happiers,

What is seeing a movie but another name of celebrating life?

We watch movies, therefore we are. We all have a space where we are most comfortable and content. What is yours? The library? A restaurant? Or the movie theater? Movies are poetry. Movies are art. Movies pose questions to us. What movies changed your life? Movies themselves seem to change for us all the time—at different life stages, the same film makes us feel differently. Moreover, Abhijit Naskar, one of the world's most acclaimed Neuroscientists, specifies that “You can tell a lot about the intellectual and moral progress of a nation’s citizens, by the quality and nature of the films they watch.” When it comes to movie, what is the most unforgettable image implanted immovably in your mind? Which breathtaking scene blows your mind away? Are there any films too complicated or abstract for you to comprehend? For movie-goers, it’s like movies can teach us to play an instrument we weren’t able to play. It stirs our deepest desires, makes us want to appreciate more and try harder to keep our concentration focused on the interpretation. Learning more from movies can make us sparkled with cheerfulness, good humour, and great creativity. The most fantastic function of things is that of being contemplated. The lasting impact of movies allows us to savor a moment of intense enlightenment and remarkable relief; also, we find ourselves slipping into a different line of questioning. Movie is a Mystery. Even when it’s over, it keeps living inside us. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to join our host Annie in refreshing our memory about our favorite movies and memorable experiences. (We will surprise ourselves about how much movies can improve our cultivation and recognition).

Movie= Magic. A picture is worth a thousand words, then, what about a film? “My great-grandfather knew that Titanic would sink and tried to alert people 3 times. The third time, he was expelled from the movie theater.” What lightens your step when you decide to see a film? What’s your little ritual of going to the cinema? Why did director Ang Lee trust movie more than life itself?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7jnDD1v4P0 Story is the most powerful magic of movies-- watching a film for two hours or so always changes the way we see things afterward. Movies open up the space for big questions; great movies explore new insights--they give us a look that wraps us in a taste of new observation. George Lucas, the famed director of "Star Wars", requires filmmakers to have a real understanding of history, literature, science, and psychology, because directing movies involves writing, dealing with people, research, history, and many disciplines. A single scene played on the screen can convey the entire range of human experience—each true story or fiction offers a warning, or a prediction, and takes a long look at the unknown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC1rLzlbgkg What translates our lives into sequence, into meaning? Movies provide a rich account of human meaning; our brains and hearts somehow enable it. It seems like magic. Seeing a movie is one of the very few things that can really calm us to be in the moment. Somehow, it offers an atmosphere as if all the other problems in our lives would fade into the background, as if, all of a sudden, we didn’t exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSsAejnTT38 From the lens of the characters, we see what’s going on in the world. The net of life is fun and sometimes heartbreaking, weaved with accomplishment and amusement, and moments of adversity and agony. However, movies teach us a little more brilliance, a little more elegance. Even the silence in movies can be exciting; silence is where the magic starts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kj_Wq8FfI8

Movie=Mirror. “Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?” “Because she will Let it go.” Movies reflect life. Movies reassure us. Movies are the most careful observers of our inner brightness and darkness. Like books, movies teach, connect, and transform us. So, would you like to spend two hours on reading a book or seeing a film? Why? When you are reading your favorite book, can you imagine what it would be like in a movie? Would you like the movie end the same way as the book? https://seattle.bibliocommons.com/list/ ... 1162192393 Have you ever entertained thoughts of promoting the healing power of movie, imagining in the dictionary under “movie” there should be a poster picture of your favorite film? American film critic Pauline Kael (June 19, 1919 – September 3, 2001) sincerely stated “A good movie can take you out of your dull funk and the hopelessness that so often goes with slipping into a theatre; a good movie can make you feel alive again, in contact, not just lost in another city. Good movies make you care, make you believe in possibilities again.” We really grow when we accept our past—no matter what happened to us; we really grow when we find the dawning realization of so much beauty in the world. Great filmmakers are cooks offering different dishes—what we always smell is a wide range of opportunities and high hopes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhMU1JwJZiQ In modern diverse societies, how to tackle self-acceptance? How to invest efforts in bridging differences? Learning more to appreciate and interpret movies grants us the patience for things to finally settle into their natural rhythm, to prove that we are strong enough to endure. Movies illustrate others’ experiences, and they also provide the richest material for moral reflection. We watch movies, therefore we are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IztdvRT52Oc

Movie=Map. American singer, songwriter, and musician Bruce Springsteen firmly believes “that is what film and art and music do; they can work as a map of sorts for your feelings.” Now, check out this map, please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0a0aNqTehM Learning more to appreciate and interpret movies sends a delicious sense of contentment slipping through us. The two hours passed in a purity of incredible images and strikingly stunning sounds. Movies can create an emotion in the audience, challenge audience’s morals, and change viewers’ opinions. So, what movies profoundly shape the way you feel about the world? Should we watch films with our eyes, or hearts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSpuQB2E7NQ&app=desktop Movies challenge the bottom-line of our sensibility and sensitivity. Every film has its own different reality. Through movies, we see life more clearly—life is all about chances and choices. Chance is the inner rhythm of the world; chance smooths all kinds of ripples. And, we’ve caught something else there. It is kindness. When we look back along the journey, there’s only one path—the one chosen for us is visible—it’s paved with kindness and gratitude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULUo0048xZE We watch movies, therefore we are. How can filmmakers say more about the emotional status of characters? Music in movies creates the emotional connection with us; music in movies makes the image more poetic. The music evokes powerful emotion, each note translates a delicately disclosed journey. https://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-1504/

From “Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson”

Life goes headlong.
Now pause, now possession is required,
and the power to swell the moment from the resources
of our own heart
until it supersedes sun & moon & solar system
in its expanding immensity.

God has become busier—too busy, perhaps—so that we have movies? Every film is telling some part of our stories; we have movies to know this is who we are. Whatever we believe in, whatever we have spent our career working within, what we really have to answer to is our conscience. Through movies, we receive spiritual nourishment from the thousand faces of stories, from art forms, and from collective and individual emotions; all the time, money, and energy spent on filmmaking are worth sacrificing. English poet and academic Peter Abbs values movies very highly, “It was held that the six great arts – visual art (including architecture and photography), drama, dance, music, film and literature – form a family of related, if largely autonomous, practices: they all work through the aesthetic, all address the imagination, and all are concerned with the symbolic embodiment of human meaning.” Every movie is an exclusive and exciting adventure. Despite our differences, despite everyone has their own story, everyone has a history and a soul, movies reassure us that we are not alone. Movies become about the journey, not the destination, about the loss and the discovery along the way. Filmmaking is always a pursuit of excellence. We are inspired not only by the stories but also by the filmmakers who take the risks to pursuit more. All of these add up to an abundance of inspiration, which keeps encouraging us: there’s always more that we can do. Hopefully, this discussion will afford us greater gratification of deep engagement. The eagerness is real. The bliss is all. Join us. Thanks!!!


With Gratitude,
文章: 1029
註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: 20191019, Article, Taichung

文章Kevin01 » 週六 11月 30, 2019 6:58 am

20191019 Gathering
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註冊時間: 週三 8月 11, 2010 10:45 pm

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