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由 Jasmine0316 » 週四 1月 16, 2020 11:10 pm
Dear Taichung Happiers,
The beauty of sustainability is above and beyond place and proportion. https://www.artfido.com/beautiful-portr ... y-animals/Once upon a planet… More than 10,000 camels to be shot, because they drink too much water! What kind of science or healthy attitude can explain this? What is the ambiguity between humans and animals? Once upon a planet… This place is still the place we used to love; the sweet fragrance of nature is still what we've been dreaming of. Yet, everything we rely on, where has it gone? Everything--the wonder and varieties of life on earth. Once upon a planet… Where can we find the prettiest skyline? How to puzzle out human duty? What echoes seem to get longer? Once upon a planet…How is it that nature can be so wild and tame in the same moment? If there has been a time when natural ecology should be sacrificed for human needs, since when? Once upon a planet… Who are we? Who are these animals? We are confused? No? Is the person over there the person? Once upon a planet…What is the ambiguity between humans and animals? The ambiguity. What brings it up? What puts it off? Is there a time when it seems to go missing? Once upon a planet… What is the performance of being human? Once upon a planet… Something, somewhere, has changed. Do you feel connected? What can we expect? Professor Joseph Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) simply put that “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature.” Therefore, ladies and gentleman, welcome to join us in taking the pride and pleasure in the affection for the circle we are all in.
Animals are the mirror. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_DlDw45FV0 Animals are the mirror. In front of it, our minds are composed, our thoughts are coordinated, and our emotions are dominated by curiosity. According to The American Veterinary Medical Association, the Human-Animal Bond is "a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals that is influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health and well-being of both." A delicious wave of relief washes over us, while we having positive interaction with animals. As reported by Companion Animal Economics, pet owners make about 15% fewer visits to the doctor each year, and the estimated national health care savings in the UK, 2016, is £2.45 billion. Moreover, ethologist and conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall reveals the higher power of recognizing a refreshing relationship among humans, animals, and the environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toOcs-dCt0U Interactions and relationships of humans with animals are the melody playing in our heads--desire and delight mingled. Even a secret message from a pet colors everything. So perfect is the combination that upon the admirable attachment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjBum_cTAcg Animals are the mirror. We’ve never been able to adequately describe the equation. Yet, watching and listening to more wild animals, we experience a moment of happiness purer than any we’ve ever felt, and catch some really interesting explanation and energy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oqFF9RYYmIFrom “A Giraffe and a Half” (by Shel Silverstein)
If you had a giraffe
and he stretched another half…
you would have a giraffe and a half.
And if you glued a rose
to the tip of his nose…
And…if he put on a shoe
and then stepped in some glue…
And if he used a chair to comb his hair…
Animals are the light. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js9ZRSLISVY Animals are the light, the new visions it gives us shake our awakened selves up. Empathy is the most invisible yet invaluable part that staying with animals can teach us about being human. Empathy is a vulnerable choice; empathy fuels connection. Only when we build a practice of empathy and bring it into work to solve problems can we define empathy in a different way and develop leadership at all levels. Animals are the light—the dazzling reflection is singing empathy and compassion out loud—we feel connected by a thrilling thread, we could have been different, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjm6rDgKNMY Animal’s voice projects brightness. For this reason, literature associates great power, perception, and prestige with animals. Literature displays more balanced relationships between animals and humans. Animals are the light, which further illuminates the psychological, emotional, and social truth in literature, and, in life. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.p ... 905/11408/ Animals are the light—it exhibits a reflection of our own cast of spirit. Canadian naturalist and writer Sylvia Dolson once painted the picture of our co-existence. “Mother Nature is our teacher—reconnecting us with Spirit, waking us up and liberating our hearts. When we can transcend our fear of the creatures of the forest, then we become one with all that is; we enter a unity of existence with our relatives—the animals, the plants and the land that sustains us.” Animals are the light—it turns us inside out. What animals can teach us is always beyond our imagination and expectation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q99rhZlYlAoAnimals are the magic-lamp. Animals are the magic-lamp—it produces a spark of energy spreading through us. Due to the fact that the Earth is in the midst of the sixth extinction, our whole destiny is redefined and brought into focus. Sir David Attenborough has proposed the changes that can work their magic to sustain this planet: an energy revolution, a food revolution, managing the ocean, and re-wilding the world. Change, the song and dance of humanity, for conquering the challenges, is what happiness looks like, what happiness would be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbD9z-Z7sE We are all in the circle. All we have left is in our faith. Apparently, an energy revolution, a food revolution, managing the ocean, and re-wilding the world—inevitably-- all involve us making difficult and decent decisions. What we think is a maze of choices, and when we look back, only one path—the one chosen for us—is visible. https://hbr.org/podcast/2019/03/the-sci ... -decisions Animals are the magic-lamp. They all engage us in a new and powerful way; they all provoke us to feel something; they attest to an accuracy of advantage and the assurance of adventure. Animals are the magic-lamp. All magic is a call to action. Whatever we have to decide, however we’ll decide, never let anxieties outrun our experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T5aGLybXEsNature is adaptable; nature changes all the time. Sometimes, it’s all fierce chaos, with the same consequence; other times, it is wild, untamed nature, full of possibilities. Now, more than 10,000 camels to be shot, because they drink too much water! How unfair to us that the nature’s darkest day should be still so impossibly beautiful--nature shares wisdom with us, and nature is the most luxury therapy—for us to feel the beauty and purity, and to release and re-discover ourselves. Can we see the bridges in the distance? It seems that the modern society and nature always suffer for equals. Even every mystery has its truth. In fact, there is a chain of individual responsibilities; everyone has to watch for the open door. Whatever decision we make for this planet, remember that what matters is not the applause; what really matters is the courage to venture forth despite the uncertainty of acclamation. The more respect we show to every original order in the nature, the more feeling of security we’ll regain. Watching the stars playing hide-and-seek, we think of every trace of a summer breeze, of the essence of the summer sun, of returning to the level of everyday life, and of returning to the original rhythms of nature. We can change, although the choreography could be slow. The beauty of sustainability is above and beyond place and proportion. Let us listen out for the hearts beating for balance. Join us. Thanks!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r5rMal8goc&app=desktop
With Gratitude,
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