
20061223, Article, Picture

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

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20061223, Article, Picture

文章Murphy Yang » 週二 11月 21, 2006 11:06 pm

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17:00 ~18:00 (Topic Discussion)
18:00 ~19:00 Karaoke & Dinner (Potluck Style)
19:00 ~20:00 Birthday Party & Gift Exchange & Personal Show
20:00 ~21:00 Dance

Host: Charlie Yang
Assistant Host: Murphy Yang

Topic:They want get Marriage because

From Yahoo Discussion

They want get Marriage because :

I really want to get married. Not just to do it, because in my mind there is no undoing in. I don't want to get divorced. I laid the rules down to my boyfriend. I won't get married until after I'm done with school, am over 25, and have no debt but school loans. But, I think I found the person I want to be with for life. And even though marriage is technically nothing more than a piece of a paper, it means a lot to me. The vows, the rings, the symbolism. I don't want to get married for the big fancy wedding either. I can't afford it anyway. I guess I really can't explain it. I just want that promise. Till death, you know?
To your main question, I'll answer in the affirmative, yes, I want to get married to a gurl that I love and I'm very sure she loves me; a friend indeed. To the rider aspect of your question, I'll say that many people are afraid to get married because of experiences of some who had married to wrong partners. I want to assert that it rather much better not to marry than getting married to a wrong partner. I can bet it, taking such a wrong step will definitely lead to frustration, bad blood, and later, divorce.
let me tell u one thing.u won't be able to marry someone whom at least u don't like.it's not like sleeping with anyone just to fullfill ur desire,it's a "rest of ur life" matter and i won't be chancing this with someone whom i'm not sure about.as 4 myself,yes i sure wanna get married coz i wanna have kids,and i'm not willing to be a single mother who would do everything on her own.i won't be able to do it,and God didn't create us to be single mothers or He would have created us with the ability of selfmating like some animals!He knows that we won't be able to do it on owr own.i wanna have a child from someone who knows watz reponsibilty and appreciates commitment .

Above are statements for people who want get married which I found from Yahoo Discussion , but
there are also some statements ( see below ) saying they don't want get married because :

We are independent nowadays .
Men/Women are not able to take care another person .
Traditional changed, no big deal if live together without marriage .
Can't find a right man/women , good men/women is become less and less .
Men refuse to get married, becasue of don't want to take the responsibility, financial reason...etc
Marriage doesn't mean anything, divorce rate is getting high .
Prevent divorce .
Don't decide to born a baby, so no need to get married .

QUESTIONS : What You Think ?

Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang

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