
20080127, Article, 高雄

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

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20080127, Article, 高雄

文章Alice Chen » 週日 1月 20, 2008 10:43 pm

Happy English Club 電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
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14:30~15:15(Free Talks)
15:30~16:30 (Topic Discussion)

Host:Alice Chen
Assistant Host:Benjamin Yeh

Topic: ourpusses may be left in the nursery

Source: TAIPEI TIMES http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/ar ... 2003391569

Women in Salzburg will again be able to pursue their shopping with abandon over the Christmas period, free from sourpuss boyfriends and husbands.
For the second year in a row, a "nursery" will be set up in the town center where women can leave their partners for a few hours so that they can hunt down all those last-minute presents, without a bored and whining spouse.
In a large white tent set up on Salz-burg's central Herbert-von-Karajan Square, the men will be able to play computer games, leaf through newspapers or magazines such as Playboy, or simply have a drink at the bar with co-suffering "shopping widowers."
From Dec. 13 to 23, women can "surrender" their partners at the tent's entrance free of charge between 4pm and 10pm. They are given a numbered ticket which they then have to present on their return to collect their spouse.
Salzburg toymaker Andreas Stadlbauer came up with the idea of a so-called "Maennerhort" or "men's nursery" last year. It proved such a success - around 1,500 men found refuge there from the shopaholic tendencies of their "better halves" - that he decided to repeat the venture again this year. Indeed, Stadlbauer has even patented the name "Maennerhort." And with big-name sponsors such as the German luxury sports car maker Porsche, Playboy magazine and Nintendo, he is planning to set up similar nurseries in Vienna, Hamburg and Munich.
In Germany, where men have a reputation of being particularly averse to shopping, the nurseries might even operate all year round, the entrepreneur suggested.(AFP)

1. Sourpuss (口) 討人嫌的傢伙
someone who always looks unhappy and annoyed

2. Nursery 托兒所
noun [C]
a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work

Does Jake go to a nursery or a childminder?

3. Whine 發牢騷
noun [C usually singular]
an unpleasant high sound or voice

She delivered the speech in a high-pitched nasal whine.

4. Salzburg薩爾茨堡
is the fourth-largest city in Austria and the capital of the federal state of Salzbu

5. Refuge 避難所
noun [C or U]
(a place which gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness

These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution

6. Venture 企業投機活動
noun [C]
a new activity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty.

She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures

7. Patent專利
noun [C]
the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years
The company took out/filed a patent on a genetically engineered tomato that remains firm longer than untreated tomatoes.

8. Munich慕尼黑(德語:München)
the capital of the German state of Bavaria and a Gamma World City.

9. Averse 嫌惡;反對
Adj +to
strongly disliking or opposed to.

10. Incarcerate 監禁
imprison or confine.

11. Per Capita 每人;按人
adverb, adjective FORMAL
If you state an amount per capita, you mean that amount for each person

France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.

12. Human Rights Watch (HRW)

13. Behind bars 做牢
Be put in the jail

14. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)

15. U.S. Department of Justice

16. Disparity 不同;不等
a lack of equality and similarity, especially in a way that is not fair

1.Do you have any experience doing shopping with your girlfriends or boyfriends? If so, do you enjoy it?

2.Do you think shopping together makes perfect couple? why?

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005



高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007


最後由 Alice Chen 於 週二 2月 12, 2008 1:40 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Alice Chen
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註冊時間: 週日 1月 22, 2006 11:23 am
來自: student

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