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14:30 ~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)
Host: James Jiang
Assistant Host: Iris Chen
Topic: Weight Loss - 8 Great Tips for long-term weight losses
Sources: http://www.articlecube.com/Article/Weig ... oss/128201
The operative word is long-term. For any long-term weight loss program to be successful, you have to be consistent in sticking to it. You may perhaps know that more than half of the population in the USA is overweight or obese and hundreds of thousands of people are looking for a miracle weight loss program. Millions are on a diet, although how regular they are in keeping to their schedule is a big question. Since the number of weight loss programs is overwhelming, you may need professional help and advice to decide what is best for you.
If you follow the eight great tips listed below for long-term weight loss with an iron will, you are bound to achieve your ideal weight by shedding all the accumulated excess pounds in the shape of fat in your body.
1. Consult your health care professional
If you feel quite confused about what to do or if you do not know which of the myriad of available weight loss plans that you have to choose, the best thing to do first is to take professional advice in the matter. Your doctor or dietician is the best person to consult to help assess your overall health condition and tell you how many pounds you have to lose, how to reduce your calorie-intake and how to increase your physical activity on a regular basis.
Intensive measures like prescription drugs and even surgical intervention might be suggested in cases of severe obesity.
2. Make a strong resolution
An ironclad resolution to pursue your chosen path for weight loss is necessary. Most people fail in their attempts to lose weight because they often slip up on the schedules. They think that it does not matter if they deviate from the strict program now and then. Actually, it does. Sometimes the deviations become so frequent that the program is as good as given up.
3. Keep a diary
To keep track of your progress, you may have to maintain details about your meals. Write down what and when you ate things. Any deviations have to be recorded faithfully, on a daily basis. Never ever give up. That is the key.
4. Eat right
Learn what foods are suitable for you to lose weight. Also, a you keep losing weight, whether the food plan has to change with the changing situation. Most probably, your doctor may have advised you to avoid high-carb, high-sugar, high-fat diets. Also, avoid taking fad-diets that promise that you will lose tens of pounds in one week. A preferred rate would be to lose a pound or two per week. If you lose weight too quickly, you will have a hard time keeping it off.
5. Drink enough water
Drinking eight to ten glasses (or even more) of water will be helpful in shedding fat. In fact, some recommend drinking at least two glasses of water the first thing in the morning.
6. Exercise regularly
A daily exercise program, at least five times a week, lasting at least 20 to 30 minutes per session, is appropriate for the metabolism to be strengthened. Though this seems difficult at first, you will certainly get used to it once you get over the initial hurdles of starting an exercise regimen.
7. Lead an active life
Try to be as physically active as possible throughout the day. The more you sit at one place, the less will be the effect of your weight loss program.
8. Avoid alcohol
Drinking alcohol will have a negative impact on your plans. Alcohol is easily metabolized and stored as fat in your body. Avoiding it is essential to any weight loss plan.
1. Do you talk about food often?
2. What's your favorite soup/snack/shaved ice flavor?
3. Do you think obesity is starting to make inroads into Taiwan? If so, why?
4. Do you eat healthy meals now compared to when you were a child or vice versa? How many servings of each of the food groups do you eat every day?
5. What kinds of things do you buy that are generic, and for what items do you insist on the brand name?
6. Besides taking a multivitamin, what is the best thing we can do for our health, in your opinion?
7. What do you recommend any supplements?
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from June, 2005
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