20071013, Article, Picture, Feedback
發表於 : 週四 9月 27, 2007 1:38 pm
Happy English Club 電子報 本文由EVP Team編審
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
14:30 ~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)
Host: Andrew Hsu
Assistant Host: Carmen Tao
Topic: Break From The Pack – How to Compete in a Copycat Economy
Source: http://www.breakfromthepack.com/readchapter/
In today's Copycat Economy, products and being commoditized, services are being imitated, and traditional barriers to market entry are collapsing. Markets are becoming more crowded with "me-too" players and products. In this environment, it's harder to differentiate yourself from competitors, it's harder to keep profit margins and customer loyalty up, and it's harder to grow market share and stock value. To sustain healthy growth and competitive advantage in today's Copycat Economy, your organization must break from the pack.
In today’s hypercompetitive environment , organizations which break from the pack have there characteristics :
They’re Curious – Possessed of a culture built around inquisitiveness, and willing to explore uncharted , unorthodox, and even controversial paths
They’re Cool- Exhibiting an organization- wide willingness to be edgy , unconventional , and even defiant
They’re Crazy –Eager to make decisions that seem insane but are also the result of calculated discipline –or what I call “ disciplined lunacy “
Learning Points
Here are just a few of the oddball things you can learn to position your organization for breakthrough success and sustained competitive advantage.
1. If your competitors aren't thoroughly puzzled by what you're doing, or if they're not deriding you as insane, you're probably not doing enough to break from the pack..
2. In today's Copycat Economy, getting bigger per se won't make you successful (that's why so many big firms are dead, or dying—GM, Kodak, the old AT&T, etc.)
3. When companies are in trouble, much of what they do (including cost- and price-cutting programs, quality programs, diversity programs, sales programs, etc.) will have little effect. .
4. If you can't dominate a market, don't enter it. If you're already in businesses that you can't dominate, dump them--even if they're currently bringing in revenues. .
5. At the working place, it's gotta be fun. No fun--no success, and on top of that the best people leave
1.Break from the pack:突破重圍(指和眾多競爭者不同) 2.Copycat :模仿者 3. Inquisitiveness : 好奇
4. Uncharted : 未知的 5. Unorthodox 非正統的 6. Unconventional不依慣例的 7.Defiant : 大膽的
8.Insane: 荒唐的 9. Lunacy : 精神失常
10.Oddball :古怪的 11: Deride : 嘲笑;
1. What is the atmosphere of your working environment? Conservative of open for a change? Do you like it or not? Please discuss it .
2.Do you agree the above learning point for breakthrough success and sustained competitive advantage ? Can you find out more ?
3. Which product or famous person do you think is innovative apart from the copycat economy? iPod, Wii, or Madonna?
4. How do you differentiate yourself and bring the value to your company? How do you compete with people from China who get lower salaries but have same skills as yours?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007
20071013, Host--Andrew Hsu
20071013, Speaker--Willie Cheng
20071013, Speaker--Dimitri Lee
20071013, Happy time conductor--Timothy Cheng
20071013, Birthday celebration
20071013, Gathering and Feedback
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
14:30 ~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)
Host: Andrew Hsu
Assistant Host: Carmen Tao
Topic: Break From The Pack – How to Compete in a Copycat Economy
Source: http://www.breakfromthepack.com/readchapter/
In today's Copycat Economy, products and being commoditized, services are being imitated, and traditional barriers to market entry are collapsing. Markets are becoming more crowded with "me-too" players and products. In this environment, it's harder to differentiate yourself from competitors, it's harder to keep profit margins and customer loyalty up, and it's harder to grow market share and stock value. To sustain healthy growth and competitive advantage in today's Copycat Economy, your organization must break from the pack.
In today’s hypercompetitive environment , organizations which break from the pack have there characteristics :
They’re Curious – Possessed of a culture built around inquisitiveness, and willing to explore uncharted , unorthodox, and even controversial paths
They’re Cool- Exhibiting an organization- wide willingness to be edgy , unconventional , and even defiant
They’re Crazy –Eager to make decisions that seem insane but are also the result of calculated discipline –or what I call “ disciplined lunacy “
Learning Points
Here are just a few of the oddball things you can learn to position your organization for breakthrough success and sustained competitive advantage.
1. If your competitors aren't thoroughly puzzled by what you're doing, or if they're not deriding you as insane, you're probably not doing enough to break from the pack..
2. In today's Copycat Economy, getting bigger per se won't make you successful (that's why so many big firms are dead, or dying—GM, Kodak, the old AT&T, etc.)
3. When companies are in trouble, much of what they do (including cost- and price-cutting programs, quality programs, diversity programs, sales programs, etc.) will have little effect. .
4. If you can't dominate a market, don't enter it. If you're already in businesses that you can't dominate, dump them--even if they're currently bringing in revenues. .
5. At the working place, it's gotta be fun. No fun--no success, and on top of that the best people leave
1.Break from the pack:突破重圍(指和眾多競爭者不同) 2.Copycat :模仿者 3. Inquisitiveness : 好奇
4. Uncharted : 未知的 5. Unorthodox 非正統的 6. Unconventional不依慣例的 7.Defiant : 大膽的
8.Insane: 荒唐的 9. Lunacy : 精神失常
10.Oddball :古怪的 11: Deride : 嘲笑;
1. What is the atmosphere of your working environment? Conservative of open for a change? Do you like it or not? Please discuss it .
2.Do you agree the above learning point for breakthrough success and sustained competitive advantage ? Can you find out more ?
3. Which product or famous person do you think is innovative apart from the copycat economy? iPod, Wii, or Madonna?
4. How do you differentiate yourself and bring the value to your company? How do you compete with people from China who get lower salaries but have same skills as yours?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007
20071013, Host--Andrew Hsu
20071013, Speaker--Willie Cheng
20071013, Speaker--Dimitri Lee
20071013, Happy time conductor--Timothy Cheng
20071013, Birthday celebration
20071013, Gathering and Feedback