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文章發表於 : 週六 3月 04, 2006 11:30 pm
Happy English Club 電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
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Time:第 46 次例會,2006年3月11日(週六)下午3~5點
Place: viewtopic.php?t=15

15:00~16:00 gossiping and chatting
16:00~17:00 topic discussion

Host : Dirk Bremann
Assistant Host: Anne

Topic:Funny Stories
( Source: Funny Stories taken from: http://www.dumbmoments.com -- http://www.thatsembarrassing.com )

1. I spend some of my days off by going down to the track at the local high school and jogging. I usually go on Saturdays, so I'm not interfering with school, but this time the boy's track team was there warming up or something. Their coach wasn't there, and the gate was locked. I asked them how they got through and they said they climber over or went through the gap in between the fences. I'm on the thin side, so I thought I could fit through the gate. I was wrong. I managed to get my top half through, but I couldn't fit my butt through the gate. The guys started to laugh at me as I struggled. Some of the kinder ones tried to pull me through, but my butt couldn't budge.

More kids came and tried to push me through (this was really embarrassing--a bunch of teenagers shoving my fat butt through a fence) but they couldn't budge me. Finally, their coach came, and he had to unlock the gate to get me free.

I was so embarrassed, I just skipped my routine and went straight home!

2. My embarrassing moment came this summer when I was watching my nieces ...

They were playing in their backyard and I was lying down on a lounger catching the "rays" and fell into a real deep sleep. When I woke up, my nieces told me how cute I looked and how they loved my makeup. I took them to meet my aunt in the mall.

When my aunt came saw me she broke into hysterical laughter and said "Ellen. Have you looked in a mirror?" I said no and ran to the bathroom. To my shock, there was my face ... with designs drawn all over my face, including a mustache, beard...big red circles on my cheeks...

My nieces had decorated my face, as I slept, with bath crayons and I had been walking around the mall ....with a marked up face. I could have died.

3. I had the most embarrassing moments anyone could have had but one of still makes laugh like hell. It was during my stay at the hotel. One day I was going down in the elevator when another person whom I haven’t met until then started talking to me. He asked 'How are you?" and I answered "Fine" surprised at it. He then asked me "What else are you up to" and I replied "nothing". Finally he turned to me and said "Do you mind I am on the Phone"!! It was then that I realized he was talking on his Mobile.

4. One time when I was out clubbing I needed to go to the toilet but they were very dirty. I decided to do the hovering trick but as I was mid-urination I slipped on the wet floor face first on to the floor and wedged my head between the door and the floor I couldn’t reach my knickers to pull them up and the fire brigade had to be called to cut me out of the door. Mortification.


Discussion topics:

1. There might be the one or the other part in one of the stories that make you smile or laugh. What part is most funny for you and why do you laugh about it?
2. All the tellers were embarrassed, what might be the reason for that?
3. Please share a story of your life to your group members, something funny for them, and maybe something embarrassing for you … Best stories to be told to the whole HEC!

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005



高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007



文章發表於 : 週一 3月 13, 2006 3:29 am
Happy Jan