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Time:第 37 次例會,2009年 9月 19日(週六)下午2:30 ~5:30
14:30~14:45 : Short Free Talk
14:45~15:45 :First Article discussion session(Question 1, 2)
15:45~16:00 :Change Seats, and then break time
16:00~16:40 :Second Article discussion session(Question 3, 4, 5)
16:40~17:00 :Speaker Session
17:00~17:10 :Host invites attendants to share feedback
17:10~17:30: Happy Time Session
NOTE: Every attendant please brings this article your own to the gathering place
Host: Chichi
Speaker: Douglas
Happy Time Conductor: Kelly Hou
Photographer Conductor: Winny
Topic::Unforgettable close to Taiwan's best-ever Deaflympics
source: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/local/taipei/2009/09/16/224798/Unforgettable-close.htm
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The 21st Summer Deaflympic Games in Taipei concluded last night in unprecedented fashion as organizers replaced the typical ceremonial fanfare with a big Taiwanese-style party that allowed the athletes to interact whilst enjoying delicious local cuisine.
Also a new sight to spectators around the world was the first-ever procession of the mainland China team in the opening or closing ceremony of any international sporting event hosted by Taiwan. The Chinese team held a banner to encourage the victims of Typhoon Morakot as it made its way around the stadium.
1. Do you know something about Deaflympics?
2. Is it friendly enough for disable people to live in Taiwan? How can we improve it?
3. Do you like “ban de”? How will you describe “ban de” to the foreigner?
4. What will you suggest the foreigner to eat and to see while they visit here the first time? Why?
5. In your opinion, what’s the most unique thing to represent Taiwanese culture?


新竹,每週六 (2008年8月起)
Hsinchu, Every Saturday
from Aug, 2008