20100409, Article, Picture, 新竹
發表於 : 週一 4月 05, 2010 5:21 pm
Happy English Club 電子報 本報由Host Master Team編審
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
Time:新竹第 63 次例會,2010年04月09日(週五)下午7:00~9:00
19:00~19:50 Free Talk / Topic Discussion
19:50~20:00 Change Group and then Break Time
20:00~20:50 Topic Discussion
20:50~21:00 Happy Time
Host: Happy
Ice Breakers:
Please introduce yourself to your group.
What do you do for a living? What do you do for fun?
How did you learn about Happy Club?
What current events have you noticed recently?
What are some restaurants you enjoy around Taipei?
What good movies or concerts have you enjoyed lately?
How did you spend your holidays? Will it be hard to readjust after the break?
Topic: Live Your Life on Purpose
http://ezinearticles.com/?Live-Your-Lif ... id=3447930
Questions for Discussion:
Session 1
1. Every person is unique, and each one of us has our unique combination of life circumstances, ego traits, talents and gifts. Have you ever explored what you truly are? Have you figured out what you are good at and what gifts you have to offer to the world?
2. People living their lives with purpose are based on awareness of their motives and decision making. How and why did you choose your academic majors, career, spouse/partner or some other critical things?
Session 2
3. In the article, it suggests that we feel happy within when we are following our hearts to do what we love to do. What are you passionate about recently? What new perceptions have you gained from these interests?
4. The fifth key to purposeful living stated in the article mentions living our lives with love, passion and intention, so that we can do/be/have anything we desire in our life. In 20 years, what do you envision for yourself? Please exercise your imagination!
5. There is a nice punchline at the end of the article: "Get off the gerbil wheel of life and start carving out your own path. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses along the way." What is a gerbil wheel? What does the author mean with her advice to stop and smell the roses? How you handle pressure or sweeten your lives in the course of pursuing your dreams?
1. 請準時到場,以維持例會品質。
2. 參與例會前,請自行列印或抄寫例會當天討論的文章及探討的問題並帶至現場。
3. 參與例會前,請先閱讀例會當天討論的文章並請先思考過探討的問題。
4. 來賓不需事先報名,可免費觀摩3次,各分會會員費 1000 NT只需繳納一次,終身有效。
新竹 (2008年8月起)
from Aug, 2008
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
Time:新竹第 63 次例會,2010年04月09日(週五)下午7:00~9:00
19:00~19:50 Free Talk / Topic Discussion
19:50~20:00 Change Group and then Break Time
20:00~20:50 Topic Discussion
20:50~21:00 Happy Time
Host: Happy
Ice Breakers:
Please introduce yourself to your group.
What do you do for a living? What do you do for fun?
How did you learn about Happy Club?
What current events have you noticed recently?
What are some restaurants you enjoy around Taipei?
What good movies or concerts have you enjoyed lately?
How did you spend your holidays? Will it be hard to readjust after the break?
Topic: Live Your Life on Purpose
http://ezinearticles.com/?Live-Your-Lif ... id=3447930
Questions for Discussion:
Session 1
1. Every person is unique, and each one of us has our unique combination of life circumstances, ego traits, talents and gifts. Have you ever explored what you truly are? Have you figured out what you are good at and what gifts you have to offer to the world?
2. People living their lives with purpose are based on awareness of their motives and decision making. How and why did you choose your academic majors, career, spouse/partner or some other critical things?
Session 2
3. In the article, it suggests that we feel happy within when we are following our hearts to do what we love to do. What are you passionate about recently? What new perceptions have you gained from these interests?
4. The fifth key to purposeful living stated in the article mentions living our lives with love, passion and intention, so that we can do/be/have anything we desire in our life. In 20 years, what do you envision for yourself? Please exercise your imagination!
5. There is a nice punchline at the end of the article: "Get off the gerbil wheel of life and start carving out your own path. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses along the way." What is a gerbil wheel? What does the author mean with her advice to stop and smell the roses? How you handle pressure or sweeten your lives in the course of pursuing your dreams?
1. 請準時到場,以維持例會品質。
2. 參與例會前,請自行列印或抄寫例會當天討論的文章及探討的問題並帶至現場。
3. 參與例會前,請先閱讀例會當天討論的文章並請先思考過探討的問題。
4. 來賓不需事先報名,可免費觀摩3次,各分會會員費 1000 NT只需繳納一次,終身有效。
新竹 (2008年8月起)
from Aug, 2008