Happy English Club 電子報 本報由Host Master Team編審
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
14:30~15:20 Session I: Ice Breakers + Topic Discussion Q1-Q3
15:20~15:30 Session I Feedback
15:30~15:50 Speaker Session
15:50~16:00 Change Group + Break
16:00~17:00 Session II: Ice Breakers + Topic Discussion Q4-Q6
17:00~17:15 Session II Feedback
17:15~17:30 Happy Time
Taipei Dinner Location
Taipei Host: Dustin / Speaker: Dustin / Photographer: Elaine's Team / Gourmet: Brian Huang / Happy Time: Paul Tsai
Ice Breakers:
Please introduce yourself to your group.
What do you do for a living? What do you do for fun?
How did you learn about Happy Club?
What current events have you noticed recently?
What are some restaurants you enjoy around Taipei?
What good movies or concerts have you enjoyed lately?
How did you spend your holidays? Was it hard to readjust after the break?
Topic Discussion Article: The Dark Side of Perfectionism Revealed (文章)
Questions for Discussion:
Session 1
1. How do you define perfectionism? Do you strive to be perfect in all aspects of your life? For example, how do you achieve balance between work and life?
2. What are some negative effects of trying to be perfect all the time, according to the article?
3. What is your most heartbreaking disappointment so far in your life? How do you come to terms with the less than perfect result?
Session 2
4. What are some good aspects of perfectionism? What are some jobs that totally require this trait? Does your job require you to be as perfect as possible?
5. Describe an instance where your expectations and results led you to suffer extreme anxiety and stress. Do you think our society here in Asia is too focused on being perfect all the time?
6. Is it possible to be a "positive perfectionist", or according to the article one who reaps the benefits of perfectionism without falling victim to its ills? Describe one such person you've encountered in your life thus far.
More info: Perfectionism Wiki
Related TED Talk - Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
Vocabulary Help
1. 請準時兩點半(場地限定45人)到東吳大學城區部遊藝廣場2樓!
2. 請務必自行列印文章和Questions for discussions.
3. 與會者不必報名 但請先閱讀過文章,並仔細想過所有的問題,謝謝合作!
4. 新人入場費 100 NT / 會員入場費 50 NT / 可當3次新人 (for 場地租費 etc.)
5. 會員費 1000 NT 永久有效
6. 聚會時請勿講中文或討論政治/種族/宗教/性
7. 聚會完後有聚餐請踴躍參加
8. 每個月不定期有戶內外活動請踴躍參加
1. Please arrive at the 2nd Floor Arts Center of Soochow University on time at 2:30 PM (venue capacity 45 ppl)
2. Please print out the article and discussion questions
3. No need to sign up, but please read the article and think about the questions!
4. Guest Entrance Fee 100 NT / Member Entrance Fee 50 NT / Up to 3 Audits (fee for rent, etc.)
5. Membership fee 1000 NT no renewal necessary
6. Highly discouraged in venue: speaking Chinese and forcing your views on politics/racism/religion/sex
7. Feel free to attend our weekly dinner after gathering
8. Feel free to join our many outings
台北,每週六 2:30-5:30 PM
Taipei, every Saturday
Map from Google Street View