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Time:第 98 次例會,2010年10月9日(週六)下午2:30 ~5:30點
14:30~15:40 Introductions+Topic Discussion
15:40~15:45 Change Group+Break
15:45~16:50 Article Discussion
16:50~17:15 Host invite attendant to share feedback
17:15~17:30 Happy Time Conductor conduct Happy Time Session:
Host: Kevin
Assistant Host:
Topic Discussion:Bill Gates: 11 rules your kids did not and will not learn in school !
Source: http://zeyadsalem.wordpress.com/2010/09/16/bill-gates-11-rules-your-kids-did-not-and-will-not-learn-in-school/
Questions for Discussion:
1.As Bill Gate mentioned those 11 rules. Which one do you agree and disagree with?
2.Could you share experience with us what can’t you learn in school? What are pros and cons of school education?
3.If you have a chance of returning for the past to be a student, what do you want to learn?
4.Bill Gate and Steve job drop out of school to create Microsoft and Apple. In your opinion, those who have been successful because they born lucky, work hard, or with all the talents? And what are the common characteristics of successful people.
5.How would you define a successful life, wealth, health, family, fortune, faith, or happiness?
台中,每週六 (2008年7月起)
Taichung, every Saturday
from July, 2008