20120324, Article, Tainan
發表於 : 週三 3月 21, 2012 11:49 pm
Happy English Club 電子報 本報由Host Master Team編審
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14:30~15:50 Free Talk / Topic Discussion
15:50~16:00 Change Group and then Break Time
16:00~17:15 Topic Discussion
17:15~17:30 Happy Time
Host: Ken
歡迎加入Tainan Happy English Club粉絲團
Topic:American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought
Link: http://www.alternet.org/food/146684/ame ... page=entir
Questions for discussion:
1. Do you believe these problems mentioned both in the article and the
video? Do we have the same or similar problems in Taiwan? Could you
give some examples?
2. Farm animals in "confinement" are prone to disease, forcing farmers
to routinely use antibiotics, hormones and drugs to keep them alive.
This jeopardizes animal and human health. Do you believe the argument?
3. How do you think about the use of drug and chemical in food
industry? Is it necessary? Please give your response and reasons.
4. Farmers care less for their animals than they do for the money
animals bring them. Agribusiness corporations mislead farmers into
using production systems and drugs that mean profits at the cost of
animal welfare. Do you believe or not? Why?
5. A vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat, milk
and eggs. Do you believe or not? Why?
6. Do you know any problem about the safety of food other than
livestock production?
7. Is the safety of our food guaranteed by the government? Why? If
not, how can we do for it?
1. 請準時到場,以維持例會品質。
2. 參與例會前,請自行列印或抄寫例會當天討論的文章及探討的問題並帶至現場。
3. 參與例會前,請先閱讀例會當天討論的文章並請先思考過探討的問題。
4. 來賓不需事先報名,可免費觀摩3次,各分會會員費 1000 NT只需繳納一次,終身有效。
Tainan, on Saturdays
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論
14:30~15:50 Free Talk / Topic Discussion
15:50~16:00 Change Group and then Break Time
16:00~17:15 Topic Discussion
17:15~17:30 Happy Time
Host: Ken
歡迎加入Tainan Happy English Club粉絲團
Topic:American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought
Link: http://www.alternet.org/food/146684/ame ... page=entir
Questions for discussion:
1. Do you believe these problems mentioned both in the article and the
video? Do we have the same or similar problems in Taiwan? Could you
give some examples?
2. Farm animals in "confinement" are prone to disease, forcing farmers
to routinely use antibiotics, hormones and drugs to keep them alive.
This jeopardizes animal and human health. Do you believe the argument?
3. How do you think about the use of drug and chemical in food
industry? Is it necessary? Please give your response and reasons.
4. Farmers care less for their animals than they do for the money
animals bring them. Agribusiness corporations mislead farmers into
using production systems and drugs that mean profits at the cost of
animal welfare. Do you believe or not? Why?
5. A vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat, milk
and eggs. Do you believe or not? Why?
6. Do you know any problem about the safety of food other than
livestock production?
7. Is the safety of our food guaranteed by the government? Why? If
not, how can we do for it?
1. 請準時到場,以維持例會品質。
2. 參與例會前,請自行列印或抄寫例會當天討論的文章及探討的問題並帶至現場。
3. 參與例會前,請先閱讀例會當天討論的文章並請先思考過探討的問題。
4. 來賓不需事先報名,可免費觀摩3次,各分會會員費 1000 NT只需繳納一次,終身有效。
Tainan, on Saturdays