
20051118, Article, Picture

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20051118, Article, Picture

文章James Shi » 週四 11月 17, 2005 8:48 am

Happy English Club英文電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
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Time:第30次例會,2005年 11 月 18 日(週五)晚上7~9點

19:00~20:00 gossiping and chatting
20:00~21:00 Topic discussion
Host: David Jr.
Assistant Host: Cathy Lin

Topic:How To Deal With Awkward Encounters

http://www.askmen.com/fashion/how_to_25 ... ow_to.html
By Jim Bauer

Life is full of awkward situations, like running into a buddy at the drug store while you're buying feminine hygiene products for your girl. But part of what makes those situations so awkward (aside from the embarrassment) is not knowing how to act.
Here are some tips to apply when running into certain people, to help you get through life's little jams.
(1) Ex-girlfriend (when you're with your new one)
Obviously, your experience is going to vary wildly based on the nature of your breakup, but it's safe to say that bumping into an ex is never a planned event. Here's what you do for both a good and bad breakup.
What to do if the breakup was not amicable: Nod to acknowledge her, but leave it at that. The nod will keep her from flipping out (if you ignored her), but it will also signal her to keep her distance. You can later explain to your girlfriend that she was your ex to keep her from finding out from other people (or to keep her from going through everything you own when you're not around).
What to do if the breakup was amicable: Introduce your ex and girlfriend by name, not stating the ex's relationship to you -- that'll keep things from becoming awkward. You should, however, identify your girlfriend to your ex as such, which might keep your ex from asking an awkward question ("Are you seeing anyone?"). Later, explain to your girlfriend that she was your ex. Remember: Above all else, keep this one short. It's no time to reminisce.
(2) Boss (outside of the work environment)
Running into your boss away from work can be awkward because it'll give each of you a glimpse into each other's personal lives.
What to do: While it may be uncomfortable, you can't ignore him -- unless you've been drinking, in which case steer clear. Otherwise, take the initiative and say hello. And be sure to introduce the people you're with. Avoid shop talk and keep the conversation mundane; that way it'll end quickly.

(3) Girlfriend's parents (for the first time)
Your goal in this situation is simple: make them think you're good enough for their daughter. Sometimes, however, that's a tall order. Although you won't be able to pull it off with one meeting, you can definitely lay the foundation.
What to do: Bring a gift (wine, candy, flowers), if you're going to their home. Offer to pay, if you're dining out. As for the conversation, keep the focus on learning about them and telling them what you like about their daughter, but be comfortable enough to answer questions about yourself and your family. You don't have to explain every detail about your life (and it's best to leave the skeletons in the closet), but you need to be comfortable enough to give them the basics, such as. what you do for a living, where you went to school and what your parents.
(4) Your ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend (and you don't have a date)
This one doesn't have to be as awkward as you think. Remember: You've got the edge. He may have her, but you've had her.
What to do: Act confident and disinterested in her and that'll drive them both nuts. Don't boast or make the situation about you.
(5) Anyone you know, who you can't quite place
Not knowing a person's name that you're supposed to know can drive you crazy; it can also be uncomfortable.
What to do: If you're with friends, get them to take the lead and introduce themselves (which will give you a name to go with). If you're alone, ask leading questions, like "Are you still with the same company?". Questions like that will allow them to fill in the blanks. You can also try: "Do you still hang out with the same friends?". Or, "Do you still go to the same places?".
(6) Girlfriend's father, at a strip club
This one is awkward, but less than you might think. Why? You're both there, which means you both feel awkward, which means neither of you should feel awkward.
What to do: Start with a hello; you'll have the edge by making the first move. Offer to buy him a drink and make some small talk, but don't buy him a dance (that would be too weird). It may not be your best night out, but if he busts you, he busts himself.
knowing what to do
I know what you're thinking: All of these tips are great, but I won't remember anything when push comes to shove. Maybe so. But if you do anything at all, do this: Chill. Just take a deep breath, relax and think for a minute. Trust me; these tips will come back to you when you've got a level head.

1. For above awkward situations and the solution, do you have any idea
or do you have better solution to these awkward moment?
2. What’s your most awkward moment you’ve ever experienced
before? How did you deal with that? Share with us?

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

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James Shi
文章: 129
註冊時間: 週日 10月 30, 2005 9:04 am
來自: 台北縣新莊市

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