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20160102, Gathering Cancelled, Taichung

文章發表於 : 週四 12月 31, 2015 7:39 pm
Dear Taichung Happiers,

Taichung Happy English Club’s gathering on January 2nd has been cancelled, due to the New Year’s Day long weekend.

Today’s sunshine is as lovely as Happiers’ laughter we had at our X’mas party. Thanks a lot for Happiers’ passion, which is as gratifying as it can be. Also, please allow me to repeat what I still want to say: It is so heartening to feel Happiers’ energy again. 大家辛苦了! 我們都愛這個優質社團. “讓愛成為你我心中那永遠盛開的花”

Have you prepared your new books for the New Year? Waiting for the Ninja Baby picture book, I start reading “Thinking, Fast and Slow” (by Daniel Kahneman). Guess how happy I am right now!

Thinking about your New Year Resolutions? Please immerse yourself in your passions; make your stories (about every aspect of your interests) continue; most importantly, share your passions and stories out loud.

Happy New Year.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkT4cN1BnEc Until next time, happy reading!!!


With Gratitude,