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14:00~15:00 Topic Discussion
Host: Bess Chung
Assistant Host: Mindy Lee
Topic:How to Travel More
Is your New Year’s resolution this year to spend more time traveling? Are you ready to see more of the world than just your five foot by five foot cubicle at work? Are you tired of always dreaming of a vacation but never actually planning on one?
Use the following three tips to easily and inexpensively add more travel to your life:
Explore Your Local Area
Travel doesn’t necessarily mean hopping on a plane and flying to an exotic destination. Most people have barely experienced the attractions and entertainment that are in their own backyards.
If you live in a major metropolitan area, explore the museums and historical attractions that you’ve always heard about but were always too busy to explore. If you live in a rural area, take an inexpensive day trip to a neighboring city or enjoy the parks that are in your hometown.
If you think about it, tourists are probably spending a lot of money and time to visit your hometown, while you could easily experience the same attractions with little effort and expense. In fact, you might be able to visit attractions for free or at a deeply discounted rate if you are a local resident. Travel is all about visiting new locations and learning about different things in life, regardless of where those experiences are.
Create a Travel Budget
Think you can’t afford to travel? Think again. Many people complain about not having enough money to travel, yet their days are filled with high priced meals, fancy clothes and unnecessary expenditures. Creating a travel budget is as simple as putting your desire for travel at the top of your financial list.
Every day you have a choice. Do you want to spend $50 to eat at the same boring chain restaurant where the waiters are rude and the food isn’t great or would you rather put that money towards a Caribbean cruise with unlimited food buffets? Are $20 worth of snacks at the movies more desirable that watching your kids roast marshmallows over an open fire at a dude ranch? Is that $70 sweater more important than being able to spend a night at a cozy bed and breakfast?
Most people have the ability to create a travel budget if they look at their spending realistically and give up some of the mundane expenditures of everyday life in exchange for making memories on their next vacation.
Find the Travel Deals
There are sales and specials on travel just like there are sales on food and big screen televisions. A little comparison shopping can go a long way in saving you money. In fact, you might be able to stretch your travel budget so that you can have two or three vacations this year instead of just one.
Look at online travel websites and find the ones that cater to destinations you’d like to visit. The website www.cruisesonly.com has great deals on cruises, while www.applevacations.com has vacation packages to destinations such as the Caribbean, Mexico and Hawaii. Don’t care where you go, just as long as it’s away from home? Then sign up for airlines’ deal alerts that allow you to fly inexpensively with just a few days notice.
Research the best times to travel, too. Cruises are cheaper during hurricane season (June 1 - November 30), but you might run the risk of turbulent seas. Travel to Europe is dramatically cheaper from November to March, when the weather is colder but all of the historic attractions are still open for tourists. Florida is more expensive during Spring Break time and the mountainous regions of the East coast are more expensive when the leaves are changing colors in the fall. If you don’t care when you travel, there’s plenty of specials that will save you money throughout the year.
For more money-saving tips and ideas on how to fit more travel into your life, be sure to check out the various articles and links on the BellaOnline Budget Travel homepage and sign up for my weekly newsletter featuring the new travel articles that have been posted online.
1. If you want to have a trip, when do you think is the best time?
2. If you can travel anywhere as you like? Which country or place would be your first choice? Why?
3. What countries have you been traveled before? Share more about it to us !!!!
4. If you are going to have a trip by yourself, what would be the hardest thing for you to do in your traveling plan?
5. What do you think traveling can bring you? What is your unforgettable experience of your trips?? Tell us!!

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