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讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)
版主: larry168, stockmovie, Ellen Tsai, GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, Harrywang, kevinliu, Happy Jan, Tigervip9999, lisa0213, AmyLu1114, ianxue, ericwon, Winniehsuehh, JasonFang23, Petite, no1wei, Denise Kuo, evainnuk, sukaxon, Celine, Jasmine0316, David Tsai, cherry2323, janiej, DavidCH, RichardYeh, piscesvicky, Kevin01, MandyPan
由 Jasmine0316 » 週四 7月 27, 2017 11:19 pm
Dear Taichung Happiers,
French poet and novelist Victor Hugo preferred writing in the nude; American author Dan Brown likes to relax by hanging upside down, the Inversion Therapy. No worries, here comes Sigmund Freud (to his wife):”Honey, I need inspiration. Do you mind putting toothpaste on my toothbrush?”
How to create the life you really want? What is the “Da Vinci Code” of your die-hard habits to procure positivity and proficiency? “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle (384–322 BC) had given us the enduring insight into the direction toward insane eminence. Decisively, we are creatures of habits--it is our habits that define our destiny. Everyone has unique ways of leveraging their strengths at work and life, and everyone could be disturbed by diverse things. The door to greatness is built of small regular rituals. We all have the Growth Mindset of seeing the big picture and performing at a higher level, and our host Yang is raising an enquiring eyebrow towards relevant morning routines. Consistent and constant good habits always conquer all, because they are gorgeous, because they are glowing, because they acquire the application of answering to our inner voice and amplifying our inner strength. Surely, I can never suggest how many good exercises is sufficient for the habit of excellence. The more, the better. Therefore, welcome to bring your secret sauce of good habits and join our host Yang on the Feasible Feast of Happy Habits. Make the habit of hoping against all hope. What’s your favorite summer habit? Selfie? Summer, this specific season, is an incredible indication of supporting and satisfying habits. Under the sunshine, hope is everything we love about summer distilled into a single beam—how to be the best version of ourselves is the cocktail tasting like Tango Jazz. More often than not, many things don't come coolly, and we wonder, whether “’impossible’ means I am possible” is a bad lie or not. We all once felt the nourishing moment is accidental. However, deep down in our hearts, we know very well that it’s not true; we know very well that everyone has only two brains, the fearful brain and the survivable brain; we know very well that we have to build the shelter for our own and others’ survivable brains. Today, I’d like to endorse this article, because it helps me further understand not only the culture industry history in Taiwan, but also the truth that hope is always there and hope does cost us nothing, really nothing, but the faith. The faith. http://m.ltn.com.tw/news/culture/paper/1117293 So, what are we waiting for? To lift us beyond our limits, cultivating courage to hope against all hope is more than constructive and compelling. The priority is to translate the real you into what you are doing. Ahhh…….yes, we need the guidance to teach us how—how to make the habit of focusing on our calling, how to facilitate our inner peace, and how to see the survivable brain clear and selflessly share it out loud. Well, Jeremy Lin’s exceptional experience is the most inspiring and reassuring reference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCGSRlV0-L0 Again, please remember that the force of hoping is the force of healing—search inside ourselves—then, just appreciate it and apply it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eciB1JI08jw “Hope Is The Thing With Feathers” (by Emily Dickinson)
Hope' is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—
And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—
I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me.
Make the habit of holding the door open—read more, and more, and, more. Do you love reading because books smell like chocolate and coffee, or you love chocolate and coffee because they remind you of books? https://electricliterature.com/why-do-old-books-smell-so-good-5dd16195478a French military and political leader Napoléon Bonaparte (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) loved books, because “Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.” Be educated is not an end—it’s a beginning. In order to develop critical and creative thinking skills, interpret what you are reading by yourself and understand how the meaning is made. Hey, how’s your Summer Reading going? How to read more? https://medium.com/the-mission/how-to-read-a-lot-more-books-this-year-according-to-harvard-research-e1dfc55e0b9f Books, in varies forms, are the essential media of communication; the emotions aroused by the happiness of reading are powerful; reading is the only perfect GPS showing where in the world we are and where we are going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmSzW8ejpVQMake the habit of harboring your imagination. If the habit of imaging more is paradoxical, let it be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfzia2BOWUg The story 'Alice in Wonderland' is more than 150 years old--what makes it popular, still? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WovwuOFBUuY Why do we always sing and come up with brilliant ideas in the shower? Why creativity, anyway? Beloved Indian author Jyoti Arora asserted that “When all else seems lost and steeped in hopelessness, the magic of creativity can still keep you going. For when all else seem dark, an urge to create something would still give you an aim to look forward to. And if you just take hold of this urge, it will take hold of you and see you through even the darkest times.” In addition, the path to creativity is paved by cherished imagination. Why don’t we make imagination a lifelong learning program? https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLmLc9w39VONdnFVLK9xtlR7Pj0SbOVytI&v=4p9uLlYTYu0&app=desktop Most importantly, both imagination and creativity are like muscles--without exercise, their abilities will regress--perfect practice makes perfect is the remarkable rule. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bHO8NZwmIgH is for the Habit of Happiness, and, H is for the Habit of Homesickness. American musician, writer, and film director Gordon Park illustrated his point, “Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.” Yes!!! It’s the force of Enthusiasm that always gets us together to pursue the happiness of hope, the happiness of reading, and the happiness of imagination. It’s the force of this Happy Habit that makes Happy English Club our second home. It’s the force of Homesickness that makes this Happy Habit so unbreakable. (Hope the approaching typhoon Nesat won’t open his mouth too wide!) May the force be with you. Join us. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpEE_j6AqXIWith Gratitude,
- 文章: 1028
- 註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm
由 longbow » 週一 7月 31, 2017 8:58 am
20170729, Gathering, Taichung
- 文章: 165
- 註冊時間: 週一 7月 19, 2010 4:00 pm
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