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20070210, Article, Picture, Feedback

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 22, 2007 9:36 am
Murphy Yang
Happy English Club 電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
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14:00~15:00 (Free Talks)
15:00~15:30 (Speaker Session)
15:30~16:45 (Topic Discussion)
16:45~17:00 (Happy Time)

Host: Iris Chen
Assistant Host: Mindy Su

Topic: First Impression

By Michael Bucci

How long does it take to make a first impression? 3 seconds? Or 1 minutes? We all know that the first impression is very important, no matter in interpersonal relationship or business. Here are 6 tips for making a good impression.

1. Dress to impress
Of course we've all heard this old saying, but it does hold a good amount of truth. Although today's business environment is much more casual than it was even 10 years ago, it is still important to dress the part.
The key here is to dress modestly and appropriately for the gathering you will be attending. There is no need to wear the latest Brioni suit, but do make sure that your clothing is clean and fits well. The last thing you want to do is give off a negative impression before you even open your mouth. If you look sloppy, people will assume that you and your business are sloppy as well.

2. Speak clearly
I cannot emphasize this point enough. Be sure to communicate clearly with the people you are meeting. Few things are more annoying or detrimental than having to listen to someone without understanding what they are saying because they garble their words.
Focus on speaking at a moderate pace, with a well-modulated voice. Do not be afraid to enunciate properly. Also, using proper grammar when speaking and avoiding slang is expected if you are to make a good first impression. Remember, if people can't comprehend what you are saying, they will disregard you and your organization. Furthermore, be polite and courteous at all times.

3. Use the person's name frequently
Take a minute to think of some of the people you have met recently. If you've met someone that uses your name from the get-go, you will agree that it helps make the conversation much more personal.
Furthermore, it shows the other person that you were paying attention from the very start of the meeting and give them enough importance to memorize their name. A bonus here is that by using their name immediately in the discussion you will be more likely to remember it and impress them even more should you run into them a second time. Everyone is flattered when remembered by others.

4. Watch it with the jokes
Humor is generally a good thing, if used prudently. A light crack or funny joke can do wonders to lighten the atmosphere and set the mood for a gathering. Unfortunately, if you are not careful and manage to crack an off-color joke, the effect will be the opposite of what you intend. You may end up facing a group of hostile people that have already put an "X" on you because of your poor choice of wit.
I suggest avoiding jokes on the first encounter. If you really must make a wisecrack, then go with something short and conservative so as to not offend anyone. You don't want to be remembered as "that offensive fellow."

5. Be a good listener
Being a good listener is not as complicated as most people think it to be. When having a discussion with someone, make sure to let him know, in a subtle manner, that you are paying attention to what is being said.
Don't be afraid to nod your head and chime in with the occasional "I see," or "I understand," or any other verbal cue that shows the other person that you are indeed listening attentively. Also, feel free to ask questions (preferably non-threatening ones) if you are unsure of what the other person is trying to communicate.
Also very important: do not interrupt when someone else is speaking. Interrupting someone in mid-sentence is extremely rude and will count as one strike against you in just about any social setting. Proper etiquette is suggested at all times.

6. Let the other person be the center of attention
Perhaps the most important tip to follow when making a first impression, is to avoid hogging the spotlight. Let the other person be the center of attention. The worst mistake you can make is talking incessantly about yourself. You will come off as a selfish person who is only interested in himself, rather than appearing as someone that could help others further their business.

Ask the other person about him and let him bask in the spotlight. You will not only appear to be gracious, but you will also learn more about the person you are dealing with. Pay close attention to the conversation; those little details may be useful in the near future.

1. What first impressions do you think you make on people? Talk about the differences that might be mentioned after your friends knew the “real” you.

2. Do you have any other special tips of making positive first impressions, for the first date, job interview or even meeting your parents-in-low?

3. Have you ever made a bad first impression on an important occasion? Or very good first impressions that help you accomplish something important? Please share with us.

4. After free talk in the first hour and 3 questions’ sharing, let’s exchange the first impressions you had about your group members.

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005



高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007



Key words for this week! 0210

文章發表於 : 週六 2月 10, 2007 10:37 am
personal appearance: (n)就是我們常說的個人服裝儀容,如果形容某人十分的邋遢糟糕,而你在批評時又不想失去紳士淑女的風度,可以說Gross personal appearance.

Sloppy: (a)鬆散的,懶散的。這字通常形容人做事隨便,生活鬆散。形容某人爛爛的可以用這個字。但是這字和人品爛比較沒有關係,多指生活習慣和做事。





Brioni suit

文章發表於 : 週日 2月 11, 2007 12:45 am
Tienhao Shen
This brand appear in today's topic.
Everyone knew it is supposed to be a famous brand.
However, no one had any idea about it.
I found it on the wikipedia
It is the suit 007 wore (in the movie).
Follow this link for more infomation:


文章發表於 : 週四 2月 15, 2007 11:37 pm




