
"Thank God You're Here" - Australian version

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版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

"Thank God You're Here" - Australian version

文章Darren » 週日 6月 24, 2007 11:50 pm

Hey guys,

I was watching TV the other day, and it was showing the preview of third season of "Thank God You're Here" (TGYH). So I went to Youtube to see if there's any videos on it to share with you guys. And voila, found them!!! :D

Here's a brief description of the show. Basically, TGYH is a live show that invites celebrities to walk into a room without knowing what's going on. They then have to act out a scene that occurs in the room. In other words, they have to think of things to say on the spot and be as funny as possible at the same time. It's all about the art of bullsh*ting (掰).

anyways, onto the links (some of the videos have ads in the front, just fast foward through them):
p.s.1. the smily face ones are the ones I recommend
p.s.2 . Hope you can understand Australian accent
p.s.3 If anyone want transcripts on any of them, please do request through replying this thread. I'll try to post them up in here ASAP.

Thank God You're Here (Australia) - Hamish Blake (OfficeGuy) :lol:

Thank God You're Here (Australia) - Bob Franklin (Soldier)
make note of the dog named: Giles. Follows on to the next video
Thank God You're Here (Australia) - Group Challenge(Pirates)

Thank God you're here - TAHIR (School Principal) :lol:

Thank God You're Here (Australia)-Peter Rowsthorn(Cricketer)

Thank God Your're Here - Series 2 Episode 2: Josh Lawson

Thank God You're Here - Series 2 Episode 3: Matthew Newton

Thank God You're Here - Series 2 Episode 4: Bob Franklin :lol:

Thank God You're Here - Series 2 Episode 5: Hamish Blake :lol:

Thank God You're Here: S2 Ep6 - Josh Lawson :lol:

Thank God You're Here: S2 Ep7 - Cal Wilson :lol:

Thank God You're Here - Series 2 Episode 9: Merrick Watts

Thank God You're Here - Tony Martin SWAT
文章: 66
註冊時間: 週日 12月 17, 2006 10:45 pm
來自: exiled

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