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版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan


文章charlie » 週四 7月 03, 2008 1:31 pm

Dear All ,

Long time no see , I'm now working in Shanghai and I miss you guys very much , wish all of you having good life there , actually Shanghai is quite flat , almost no mountains here , buuuuuuut , 浙江 and 蘇洲 are very very different , there are alot alot natures , also outside Shanghai there are many many very very good small islands for weekends , I am very happy to find out these nice places , also the young people here are very crazy about outdoor activities , they are very energetic , so I had alot fun with them , I wish one day you can come here and find out what I said .

From below web-site you shall find some photos of myself and many other locals here , we went to 浙東大峽谷 and stayed in the place over night , it was so nice , really wish you guys join us one day .

http://www.5dzz.com/bbs/viewthread.php? ... a=&page=10

By the way , please be careful and not to think mainland is a different place , they have whatever we have in Taiwan and they even have more than what we have , the american and english influence are always trying to fool you and you shall open your eyes see the world but not from the big liers of BBC or CNN , otherwise you will never see the real world , becareful ( advise from an old man ) , infact today I'm having a great mood because today the weather is very good although in the early morning there were heavy rains but now it's sunny and nice . 黃浦江上的藍天白雲 made Shanghai so attractive .

衷心的希望台灣的年輕人跳出英美媒体的思想禁錮 , 用自己的眼看世界 .
文章: 34
註冊時間: 週三 9月 06, 2006 10:55 am

文章CarmenTao » 週五 7月 04, 2008 9:23 am

I miss you badly too. Thank God that you haven't forgotten Taiwan as you predicted last time. It looks as if you do enjoy your life there as we both expected. Today is a special day for cross-Strait three links. Also.... I have one day off for US Independence Day. Ha! Anyways, keep us posted of your life there. By the way, I'll update you on one thing next time I see you. You may guess what it is. Take care!

Hug Hug Hug!!!


文章: 423
註冊時間: 週六 4月 07, 2007 10:50 am
來自: 內湖

Nice to hear from you

文章charlie » 週五 7月 04, 2008 9:46 am

Dear Carmen ,

So nice to hear from you , YES , today is a special day and let's have another drink when I back to Taipei .

Best Regards .
文章: 34
註冊時間: 週三 9月 06, 2006 10:55 am

文章rock » 週五 7月 04, 2008 10:32 am

Hey, Carmen, I didn't know you are a bear. Charlie can easily be a bear, but not you. Besides, do you drink as much beer as he does? 8)
I will try my best.
文章: 172
註冊時間: 週二 8月 22, 2006 4:41 pm
來自: Keelung

文章CarmenTao » 週五 7月 04, 2008 10:00 pm

rock 寫:Hey, Carmen, I didn't know you are a bear. Charlie can easily be a bear, but not you. Besides, do you drink as much beer as he does? 8)

Dear Cute Cute Cute Rock,
It's a metaphor. You can find the meaning of "bear hug" in a dictionary.

bear hug - noun [count]
an act of putting your arms around someone and holding them tightly, because you are happy to see them or you want to show that you like them a lot

Of course not! I rarely drink alcohol, but I can have soft drinks when my friends are guzzling beer or anything that contains alcohol.

文章: 423
註冊時間: 週六 4月 07, 2007 10:50 am
來自: 內湖


文章charlie » 週一 7月 07, 2008 10:01 am

YA YA , let's have beer when I back :)
文章: 34
註冊時間: 週三 9月 06, 2006 10:55 am


文章charlie » 週日 8月 03, 2008 7:08 am

Hey , Shanghai also have English Clubs :

每周二晚上7:30pm—11:00pm 收费标准:30元赠送一杯标准饮料(咖啡,茶或者冰淇淋)地点:斯巴洛克咖啡厅中山公园店http://www.sbaroque.com/长宁路434号近江苏路( 中山公园地铁站出来步行10分钟即到) 活动主办:OK, Deal!好易英语涉外交友俱乐部,http://okdeal2007.niwota.com,国际交友、聚会、语言学习、寻找涉外工作,尽在OK, deal!)

Peter's speak english club ( every Friday from 7 to 9.30 pm. at 3rd flr Starbucks at No. 37 Shanxi Nan Rd., Near Changle Rd.
METRO LINE NO. 1 ( 陜西南路站 )

http://www.niwota.com/active/146427 ( some sundays 11:30 - 16:00 ) Shanghai Pudong .
最後由 charlie 於 週一 8月 04, 2008 5:48 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
文章: 34
註冊時間: 週三 9月 06, 2006 10:55 am

文章CarmenTao » 週日 8月 03, 2008 11:46 pm

They even have other activities other than English speaking, like matchmaking, playing cards and games.

I believe they'll enrich your life in China definitely!
文章: 423
註冊時間: 週六 4月 07, 2007 10:50 am
來自: 內湖

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