I just went to watch 1895. It was quite touching, but the battle was quite strange to me. I have to say that I am totally ignorant of the Taiwan’s history of the Japanese colonization. I have no knowledge about wartime psychology, either. People might like to maintain status quo, so when something was going to change their life in an unbearable way, they stood up and fought for their own right.
In the movie, the Hakka people stood up and fought against the Japanese rule even before the armies took down the Hakka tribes. They didn’t even know what the society would be like after Japan ruled them. The Japanese general was so upset about the “Wipe Out” action, killing all people in order to eliminate all possible militia members. In the end of the movie, the general died of undescribed disease himself. Probably everything is unreasonable in a wartime.
Leave out the stuff which I can’t understand, I think it is quite touching. My eyes teared many times in the theater. By the way, the female star could have chosen a prettier one.
And it is freezing outside today. My God...