Table Tennis Appoinment, put off to 3/21, 09:50 am,
發表於 : 週三 3月 11, 2009 11:41 pm
Dear all,
We will be playing table tennis in 中正 Sports Center this Sat. again.
Please feel free to join us.
If you want to attend, please let me know on the forum, so I can reserve the tables for us.
Dear all,
Some of the cruel killers are not free this Sat., so put the game off to next Sat.(3/21,09:50).
We will be playing table tennis in 中正 Sports Center this Sat. again.
Please feel free to join us.
If you want to attend, please let me know on the forum, so I can reserve the tables for us.
Dear all,
Some of the cruel killers are not free this Sat., so put the game off to next Sat.(3/21,09:50).