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Love song of Tibet 6th generation 達賴喇嘛--倉央嘉措

文章發表於 : 週日 8月 23, 2009 11:42 am
Attached been linked to the love song of Tibet 6th generation 達賴喇嘛--倉央嘉措.. He was a great poet in ancient Tibet and his love song quiet touched/tear the interior heart of ordinally people .. Even he played both leader of Religious & Politics , he can't have right to decide what the live he wished to be . Be a living budda or lived with her lover forever ?? no compromise solution .. He died as tragedy of Tibet history .. The lyric below is quiet beautiful ..isn't it ?? :oops:

那一刻我升起风马 不为乞福 只为守候你的到来
那一日垒起玛尼堆 不为修德 只为投下心湖的石子
那一月我摇动所有的经筒 不为超度 只为触摸你的指尖
那一年磕长头在山路 不为觐见 只为贴着你的温暖
这一世转山 不为轮回 只为途中与你相见