20100117, Ian's Birthday Party
發表於 : 週四 1月 07, 2010 11:51 am
Club Members: Ian, Fay, Richard, Iris, Adi, Louis, Elaine, Barry, Chris, Dimitri,
Karen, 晶晶, Ada, Dustin, Stanley
Dear Happier,
You're invited to my 30 year-old birthday party!
In fact, my birthday is on Jan. 15, but I think it's more convenient for a party on Sunday.
There will be some little activities after lunch, and I hope we'll have a great time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Date: 2010/1/17 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00pm
Place: 狄尼休斯 D'elicieux
近台大法學院 捷運善導寺站5號出口 延紹興南街走6分鐘
http://maps.google.com/maps?um=1&ie=UTF ... CAgQnwIwAA
Karen, 晶晶, Ada, Dustin, Stanley
Dear Happier,
You're invited to my 30 year-old birthday party!
In fact, my birthday is on Jan. 15, but I think it's more convenient for a party on Sunday.
There will be some little activities after lunch, and I hope we'll have a great time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Date: 2010/1/17 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00pm
Place: 狄尼休斯 D'elicieux
近台大法學院 捷運善導寺站5號出口 延紹興南街走6分鐘
http://maps.google.com/maps?um=1&ie=UTF ... CAgQnwIwAA