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The terrible creature

文章發表於 : 週日 1月 28, 2007 4:55 pm
One day I went to the backyard to find a light bulb instead of the old one which was broken in the bedroom. While I was moving stuff and boxes, suddenly, a big round black mess rapidly scrambled across the wall and immediately disappeared in the break of the wall at the corner. But that really scared me a lot. Guess what it was. I bet you already knew the answer. Indeed, it was a spider. I’m not afraid of cockroaches, wasps, leeches or even bigger ones like snakes, rats, turtles. Actually, these insects and small creatures were in company with my childhood. But once seeing a spider, of course not a small one, I’m quite uncomfortable all my body. Why? Let me tell you a story of mine.

Many years ago I was a little boy living in countryside in the south of Taiwan. Occasionally, I would see a big spider staying on the upper window while I was bathing. I usually took the bathe over with quiet. That day a very big one unexpectedly came out from the gap of the window. It’s abnormally terribly big. I was hurriedly running out of the bathroom and constantly screaming with all my strength. At that time a solder was living in my house. He quickly came over and took a broom to strike the spider. At his third time, he killed it and from its belly instantly came up hundreds of small spiders and spread out everywhere. I wouldn't forget the scene at the moment forever. From that time on, the spider becomes a nightmare of mine. Afterward, I still killed some with fright when I grew up. I remembered at a time I killed one by using up half a bottle of insecticide. I almost got poisoned of myself.

I don’t know why the spider has eight feet but other insects have only six. It appears they came from other planets. No matter they are staying on the wall, the ceiling or in the center of a cobweb, they seem to be staring at you and tell you “You poor creature, I will get into your dream this night.”

文章發表於 : 週四 10月 11, 2007 9:22 am
You are really good at writing , full of wonders. Applaud for you!

Please write more and more.....

文章發表於 : 週四 10月 11, 2007 1:15 pm
I still remember that years ago a spider was killed by my hand. In that hunting action, I had run out of half a bottle of exterminator. Alas, I almost killed myself before killing the spider. Don’t be foolish like me if you bump into a terrible creature

文章發表於 : 週四 10月 11, 2007 4:18 pm
:shock: :shock:
Oh! Dear brother,
I shouldn't have been eating my subway while reading your message. It's disgusting. Besides, I couldn't help but connect the scene to one of my favorite movie star - Tobey Maquire (the one that plays Spiderman)....

When I was living in a 35-year-old apartment years ago, I killed two huge spiders, which were as big as my hand. I used a cup of very hot water and an insect spray to kill them. In the meantime, I screamed a lot like a fool....... you know..... single women have to deal with this kind of stuff alone. It was really scary.

your little sister.

文章發表於 : 週四 10月 11, 2007 10:40 pm
Cyber, I sure do know how you feel (not exactly, but close enough to my opinion).

Spiders sure give me the creeps.

Reading through your experience on spiders reminds me of my encounter withs these 8 legged creatures too.

During my primary school years, I played at a slope right by the school oval. The whole slope was covered with grass except for a patch that was always bold (about 2x2 metres). I was curious as to why only that patch never grows any grass. So I went there to has a closer look. Upon inspection, I found small holes which I originally thought that they were ant tunnels. Being a small kid and curious, I digged the holes with my ruler hoping to see what kind of ants are there. To my surprise, and yep, you've guessed it, hundreds and I mean literally hundreds of spiders (not ants, definately 8 legs) crawled out to defend their nest. Streams of spiders flood out. Within minutes, the whole patch was covered with spiders. The scene scared the h**l out of me. From then on, I never dare get near that patch on that slope again.

文章發表於 : 週五 10月 12, 2007 12:25 am
To Cyber:

Spiders have 8 legs because they are not insects, they are arachnids.