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HEC 踢爆花蓮黑心粉圓

文章發表於 : 週二 11月 13, 2007 3:12 pm

文章發表於 : 週三 11月 14, 2007 5:09 am
That restaurant really sucked!
I would have been angry if I had been with you.

At least at the end of the footage, there is a cute sausage-like puppy. :mrgreen:

Got a fever in the early morning :cry: :cry:

文章發表於 : 週三 11月 14, 2007 8:30 am
"restaurant"? Maybe not, simply a stall. When I was hungry to death and stepped forward to order something, the woman said that " Don't order, you are a group, aren't you? Order together!" But when louise uttered all the stuff we'd ordered to the woman, she could hardly remember and kept confirming again and again, 粉圓加布丁不加豆花? 熱粉圓不能加布丁! 布丁會融化(我想吃融化的布丁不行嗎?) 粉圓加紅豆加薑汁....... :evil: