由 Jasmine0316 » 週六 9月 06, 2014 9:35 am
Dear Taichung Happiers,
If you haven’t volunteered for the hosting job, please consider:
A topic is a seed. A question is a seed. A conversation is a seed. They are so alive. In our everyday life, we see what can be grown from the seeds. You might be shy; you might take account of your English proficiency. Yet, these seeds are the most beautiful and valuable while dancing in more people’s heads.
If you have won our appreciation and respect because of your hosting contribution, please keep up the great job and remember: “Every attempt is a wholly new start.” So, sign up to help. Thank you!
Taichung Host Schedule
Date: 20140906
Host: Gathering cancelled due to the Moon Festival long weekend
Date: 20140913
Host: Kevin
Date: 20140920
Host: Vicki
Date: 20140927
Host: Jeffrey
Date: 20141004
Host: Ben