Dear all:
This is James Shi., Cathy and me will take charge of the activity of our 1st anniversary (6/17) right after discussion session, the original first session: “free talk” will be cancelled for once.
我是詹姆士, 凱西姐姐和我將負責安排籌劃這次(6/17)的一週年社慶活動事宜, 當天將取消原本第一階段的free talk. (文章討論完之後, 接著就是社慶活動了)
I’m now considering the content of the activity (to be honest, I’ve never had such kind of experience before, I’ll do my utmost best to make it successfully); I am planning to play some games with you guys, nevertheless, because the area of our venue is not so big, and we need some more space to play games, thus, except for the new comer who comes to our club for the FIRST TIME that day, the seats will probably be reserved for the first 33 person who claim that they will to attend this anniversary only. Please access this hyperlink to register.
我還在想社慶活動的內容 (老實說, 我以前從沒有辦過這種活動的經驗, 我會儘我最大的努力把這次活動辦得漂亮一點), 當天我想要準備一些遊戲, 不過, 由於我們目前的場地不是很大, 而且可能還需要騰出一些空間讓大家玩遊戲, 因此, 當天除了第一次來的new comer之外, 位置可能只會留給前33個有在論壇報名的人, 請至此超連結去登記報名
Just to reply an article and let us know you want to attend the 1st anniversary, it is pretty easy, it will only take less than a minute, thanks for your cooperation. Look forward to seeing you that day, hopefully you guys will love it!
只要到上述超連結去回應一篇你想要參加Happy English Club社慶活動的文章即可, 你只需要不到一分鐘的時間即可完成這個程序, 謝謝您的合作!