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20060617, 1st Anniversary, Picture

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 14, 2006 12:46 am
Happy Jan
1st Anniversary

20060617, 14:00~15:00 discussion session
20060617, 15:00~17:00 anniversary celebration
lounge bar, pub, saloon, or cafe

registration: Respond on the forum here even you can not come then, it's ok. :lol:
There must be many people attending our 1st anniversary. If you do NOT respond here, maybe you will not have a seat then.
1. Happy Chan, 2. Angela, 3. Megan, 4. Brooky, 5. Ariel, 6. Luke, 7. Sander Lin, 8. Benjamin Yeh, 9. James Jiang, 10. Sherry, 11. Allen Chang, 12. Melody Hsiao, 13. Stephanie Hong, 14. Austin, 15. Anne Liu, 16. Alen Huang, 17. Claire Liu, 18. Lucia Kuo, 19. Nancy Liu, 20. Iris Chen, 21. Mindy 22. Viviya 23. Andrew Hsu 24. Steven 25. Bill Lin 26. Steven Huang 27. Stanley 27. Julia tsai 29. Sophia 30. Miao 31. Jammy 32. Fenny


20060617, 17:00~ 20060618, 16:00 log cabin, B3, in the forest

http://taipei.mmmtravel.com.tw/index_m. ... vel.com.tw


hot spring, spa, swim, log cabin, barbecue, hiking, and some special activities by our club

registration step 1: respond on the forum here
registration step 2:
$800NTD before 20060520
$1,000NTD before 20060527

subsidy for members: some subsidy from our club, decided by officer meeting

ppl*11: Happy Chan, James Shi, Sander Lin, Steven Huang, Benjamin Yeh, Luke,Brooky, Cathy Lin, Sophia Chiu, Megan Chen, Julia

Dear All,
If you know some details of this series of tour in 烏來, please give me suggetions.

best regards,


Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 14, 2006 12:58 am
Happy 寫:20060617, 14:00~15:00 discussion session
20060617, 15:00~17:00 anniversary celebration

Dear Happy,

We know the agenda of our anniversary celebration now.
As your advise, James and I will arrange the activity on that day.


Happy Birthyday

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 14, 2006 1:29 pm

The 1st anniversary celebration will be great. I want to join it.
Exciting,interesting,fascinating will include it.
hehehe, I'm waiting

Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda (cars wanted)

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 14, 2006 11:56 pm
Happy Jan
Happy 寫:venue:
馬武督探索森林 http://www.discovery-forest.com.tw/
The TV soap series "綠光森林" is recorded here.

I called the administration of 馬武督探索森林 today. They told me that they are encountering the usage right of the road with the residents so that they suspend the service for an uncertain period.
As a result, this proposal is not feasible.

Dear All,
Any idea for other log cabin in the forest?
Please give me some proposals.

Thanks a lot.

文章發表於 : 週一 5月 15, 2006 11:49 am
Ya...I want to reserve for a seat..
I like Wulai very much and have been to this place for many times.
If some body is fond of hikking, I wound suggest two trails, 加九寮步道 and 內洞森林遊樂區(the latter one require entrance fee).
In fact, Wulai provide various kind of activity and good scenery.

See you.. 8)

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 16, 2006 1:51 pm
:P Of course I will join the 1st anniversary celebration, too.
Count me in!

Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda (cars wanted)

文章發表於 : 週三 5月 17, 2006 1:09 am
James Shi
Happy 寫:Anniversary Celebration


Dear Happy:

I would like to attend the Anniversary Celebration & Camping that day, please count me in, thanks!

Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda (cars wanted)

文章發表於 : 週三 5月 17, 2006 12:02 pm
James Shi 寫:Dear Happy:

I would like to attend the Anniversary Celebration & Camping that day, please count me in, thanks!

Dear all:

My name is Sander, I am James Shi’s friend, I would like to attend your Anniversary Celebration & Camping activity, please reserve one seat for me, thanks!

Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda (cars wanted)

文章發表於 : 週三 5月 17, 2006 4:17 pm
Sander 寫:Dear all:

My name is Sander, I am James Shi’s friend, I would like to attend your Anniversary Celebration & Camping activity, please reserve one seat for me, thanks!

Hi Sander,
I am very glad to know you will come to our anniversary celebration.
I will be there as well. See you soon. 8)


Re: The 1st Anniversary Agenda (cars wanted)

文章發表於 : 週四 5月 18, 2006 12:37 am
Happy Jan
Happy 寫:activities:
hot spring, spa, swim, log cabin, barbecue, hiking, and some special activities by our club

I discussed with the boss of the log cabin yesterday.
Here comes the agenda:

20060617 (大納度假農場)
1900~2100 Barbecue 烤肉
2100~2200 Firework 煙火
2200~2300 Hot Spring 溫泉 and swimming pool by 山泉水(請帶泳衣 please bring your swimming suit)
2300~0700 Log Cabin (夜宿小木屋)

0600~0900 Breakfast and 內洞森林遊樂區--森林浴步道
0900~1100 Chatting and Club Activities in the log cabin (小木屋閒聊帶遊戲)
1100~1300 卡拉O.K. and Lunch
1300~1600 Chatting, Hiking or Club Activities

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 19, 2006 6:28 pm
Steven Huang
I have not joined the over-night outdoor activity for a long time.
Please count me.
If there is anything I can help with on the two days of the activity, I am willing to do it.
Thanks for all effort of HEC's officials
:D Steven :D

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 19, 2006 8:42 pm
James Shi
Steven Huang 寫:I have not joined the over-night outdoor activity for a long time.
Please count me.
:D Steven :D

Dear Steven:

Thanks, welcome to join us!!

文章發表於 : 週六 5月 20, 2006 1:19 pm
Benjamin Yeh
I'll join the anniversery and camping~~~Take me in~~~

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 21, 2006 11:09 am
Benjamin Yeh 寫:I'll join the anniversery and camping~~~Take me in~~~

Count me in ~

***Come with us **** :oops:

I know you guys need to have " fresh air ",right ?

Don't hesitate and make your right decision here !!


文章發表於 : 週日 5月 21, 2006 12:11 pm
Happy Jan
Cathy 寫:
Benjamin Yeh 寫:I'll join the anniversery and camping~~~Take me in~~~

Count me in ~

For the camping, so far..........

ppl*6: Happy Chan, James Shi, Sander Lin, Steven Huang, Benjamin Yeh, Cathy Lin