
20070825, ice skating

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

文章paul0831 » 週二 8月 28, 2007 10:44 pm

Dear Elisa;

After jumping and 3 & 1/2 round beautiful rotation on the air and then fall down on the ground perfectly, the face is as shown on the photo.

文章: 32
註冊時間: 週日 6月 24, 2007 11:42 am
來自: 基隆

文章Dimitri » 週三 8月 29, 2007 1:11 am

To Paul,
Sorry I have to put that pic on. That's the only one that you occupied most of the frame, furthermore, the other 2 girls look cute in that one.

To Elisa,
If I slow down, no one would fall...

To Wofy,
Glad those pants helped you on falling. And thank you for bringing the camera, which is actually my responsibility.

To Louise,
Validity? let me see...i'll let you know when I figure it out.

To Willie,
Thanks for the arrangement. Oh, and thanks for sharing your erotic, oops, sorry, i mean exotic, experiences....
ex linguis vis
в языках сила
from languages comes strength
des langues vient la puissance
desde los idiomas, el poder
文章: 152
註冊時間: 週六 7月 21, 2007 11:30 pm
來自: ペコポン星


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