
20080504, 小粗坑古道 Outing, Picture

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

文章Elisa » 週三 5月 07, 2008 9:00 pm

In this trip, we are glad to have Johnson, Abby, Howard Chen, Emily, Iris, Happy, Louise, Dimitri, Selena, Sakura, Brady, Ting, Tim, Howard, Carol, Janiffer, 晶晶, Sean, Sean's friend, Helen, Leo and me, total 22 ppl and 7 cars. (oh, my god!)

Because of you, our trip is so vivid.
Because of you, our trip is so interesting.
Because of you, our trip is so unforgetable.

Especially thanks to our drivers "Brady", "Louise", "Howard", "Howard Chen", "Johnson". We can't have this wonderful trip without you. Give all of you a big hug.

I just upload my photos on web, please have a look.
http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/elisa080 ... ungOilTree
文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

文章IrisChang » 週三 5月 07, 2008 10:48 pm

Thanks Elisa for the wonderful outing!
Thanks the photo taker for sharing pictures.
Thanks the drivers for taking us to the far place.

This was my first time to join the outing. I'm very impressed.
I can't forget anything from this trip, like talking, laughing, folwers, coffee, foot print, games and so forth.
Even on the way home, we sung togeter at the car. It was such a sweet time.

Thank you all for giving me an unforgetable experience.
Expect to see you next time!!
I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

My blog about this trip!

文章helenho » 週四 5月 08, 2008 1:07 am

I really enjoy this trip a lot. :wink:
Share with u.

My blog: http://blog.xuite.net/helenho418/helen

I named these photos interesting names.

Thanks Howard Chen and Elisa. The photos you took are great!
文章: 44
註冊時間: 週三 4月 25, 2007 9:17 pm

文章Tracy Weng » 週四 5月 08, 2008 11:36 pm

Wow~ nice trip and nice pictures!

Thank you guys shareing those photos~ :o
Work like you don't need the money,Love like you're never been hurt and dance like nobody's looking!
Tracy Weng
文章: 16
註冊時間: 週五 3月 07, 2008 10:41 pm

文章Happy Jan » 週日 5月 11, 2008 2:27 pm

Thanks for the outing attendants who shared their photos. I summarized theirs and mine. However, it's still lack of Brady's.
Here comes the pictures. Please enjoy them. :lol:
快樂英文讀書會 Happy English Club 為中高階的英文讀書會,定期在台北/桃園/新竹/台中/台南/高雄聚會.主要是由一群年輕上班族組成,快樂英文讀書會成員來自各行各業菁英,與會來賓必須具備英文會話能力,全程用英文輕鬆閒聊以及討論具有深度的議題各一個小時.歡迎蒞臨快樂英語讀書會.
Happy Jan
文章: 1516
註冊時間: 週五 10月 28, 2005 5:28 am
來自: 桃園市

文章Wofy » 週日 5月 11, 2008 4:28 pm

To All,
Those photos are really pretty, I should have joined you guys. 8)

To Elisa,
Thanks Elisa, you are so great. I'll try to join the outing every time you hold.

To Happy
Well done! It must take you a lot of time on editing them.

Let's look forward on next outing... :mrgreen:
文章: 214
註冊時間: 週日 3月 25, 2007 1:20 pm

文章bradywang » 週日 5月 25, 2008 3:35 pm

Hey guys,

Sorry to upload the photos late.

You can find them in the line below


By the way, I have a few special photos. If some of you are interested in these, please send the message to me. Aha...

文章: 347
註冊時間: 週四 6月 21, 2007 10:28 pm


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