
20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan/美食之旅in嘉南,pls share photos

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Hkimo » 週五 1月 16, 2009 4:07 pm

Dear Elisa:

I want to join, lease count me in.

文章: 49
註冊時間: 週日 12月 02, 2007 4:07 pm

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Louis » 週五 1月 23, 2009 5:56 am

Dear Elisa:Can I join you? Maybe it's a little late I register now.If you don't mind,please put me in the waiting list.Thanks!! :)
文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章how0106.tw » 週五 1月 23, 2009 12:21 pm

Hello, Elisa:

It's me again^^
Pls count me and Eve in again,
I think I can not miss such a fantastic trip for eat, ha!!

Howard Chen
文章: 26
註冊時間: 週日 4月 01, 2007 5:56 pm

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章BrianHuang » 週六 1月 24, 2009 7:29 pm

Dear Elisa,

I hope there is still one seat available now ....
If you don't mind, let me support your outing by my action :mrgreen:

文章: 231
註冊時間: 週四 7月 17, 2008 12:36 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Elisa » 週二 1月 27, 2009 7:54 pm

Louis 寫:Dear Elisa:Can I join you? Maybe it's a little late I register now.If you don't mind,please put me in the waiting list.Thanks!! :)

Hi, Louis:
You're not only a little late to register, you are very late actually, but you are lucky. Because Howard Chen will provide his car so you can be upgraded from waiting to join list. Welcome to be part of us. :lol:

how0106.tw 寫:Hello, Elisa:

It's me again^^
Pls count me and Eve in again,
I think I can not miss such a fantastic trip for eat, ha!!

Howard Chen

Dear Generous Howard:
Welcome to join us again and thank you for providing your car. :wink:

BrianHuang 寫:Hello~
I hope there is still one seat available now ....
If you don't mind, let me support your outing by my action


Hi, Brian:
You are as lucky as Louis. The last one room availabe for you. Welcome!
Sure, I am glad to have your support for this trip. How nice are you! Thank you. :)

文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Elisa » 週二 2月 03, 2009 9:06 pm

Dear All:

Please don't forget to forward me your personal data for insurance. In addition, please give me your last four digit account when you remit the payment.

Appreciate for your cooperation. ^_________^

文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章judysusu » 週三 2月 04, 2009 8:53 pm

Hi, Elisa!
Sorry, I have something urgent come up for that weekend 2/21-2/22, so I am not able to take part in the outing anymore.
You could take me off the list now, so there will be one more space available for others.
Thank you very much!

文章: 4
註冊時間: 週五 1月 02, 2009 10:40 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Elisa » 週五 2月 06, 2009 9:41 pm

judysusu 寫:Hi, Elisa!
Sorry, I have something urgent come up for that weekend 2/21-2/22, so I am not able to take part in the outing anymore.
You could take me off the list now, so there will be one more space available for others.
Thank you very much!


Dear Judy:

Thank you for inform us in advance.
It's ok! We still have plenty of outings in the following months, please join us next time when you are free. :wink:

文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Hkimo » 週四 2月 19, 2009 8:17 pm

Hi, Every one.

This is Howard and just back from 嘉義.
The weather in 嘉義 is so hot(about 30 degree).
But its cool in the night(about 18 degree).

I suggest every one prepare some short sleeve and will feel more comfortable during our trip in 嘉南.

文章: 49
註冊時間: 週日 12月 02, 2007 4:07 pm

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章BrianHuang » 週四 2月 19, 2009 9:24 pm

Please also count my father's car in.

However, there is not any music CD in it.
Therefore I wonder if anyone can provide some CDs with famous songs for the passengers in my father's car. :D
文章: 231
註冊時間: 週四 7月 17, 2008 12:36 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Elisa » 週五 2月 20, 2009 3:59 pm

Hkimo 寫:Hi, Every one.

This is Howard and just back from 嘉義.
The weather in 嘉義 is so hot(about 30 degree).
But its cool in the night(about 18 degree).

I suggest every one prepare some short sleeve and will feel more comfortable during our trip in 嘉南.


As per Howard’s suggestion, please bring a jacket with you in case the weather becomes cold at night.

Here is new itinerary for your reference.

2/21 (Sat.)
6:50 meet up at 新店MRT station
7:00 move on
11:30 國道一號-永康交流道 wait others
12:00~13:00 lunch time
13:00~15:00 四草紅樹林竹筏
15:20~ 安平古堡,樹屋,老街
17:30~ 山根日本料理, 赤崁樓
19:30~ head to 關子嶺大旅社 and enjoy mud spa

2/22 (Sun.)
~10:30 白河碧雲寺/水火同源/白河水庫
10:30~11:30 move to 嘉義文化路
11:30~13:00 文化路美食踩街
13:40~15:00 蒜頭糖廠體驗五分車+導覽
15:00~ Option 1: home sweet home
Option 2: 北港朝天宮-->民雄鵝肉亭-->home

:D See you tomorrow!! Please Don’t be Late!!
文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章how0106.tw » 週一 2月 23, 2009 9:22 am

Hi, All:

Tks for your participation,
it's not only a fun eating trip in south Taiwan,
but also a very meaningful outing to me for digging out lots of interesting things in this place we are living in.
special tks to Elisa's well arrangement!!
and look forward our next^^

Howard Chen
文章: 26
註冊時間: 週日 4月 01, 2007 5:56 pm

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章charlie » 週一 2月 23, 2009 10:11 am

It was a wonderful trip :D the very very old hotel with over 100 years history made me feel like I was in old Japan , it was so great to have such a place bring me back to the old time of Taiwan , so sweet and cozy , Tainan seems a nice place for vacation and to release working pressures , the boat on the lagoon and the slow train around the abandoned sugar factory were both leaded by super talktive , funny and experienced quide , they are truly very cheerful and enjoyable figures . One more thing I love most is the ceremony held in the temple (三太子開光儀式) , those singing were so pretty and smooth , another great fun is those talk and discuss in our car , Brian , Louis , Howard and Ines are very right people as chartting partners , I don't remember there was any second quietness in our car :roll: , thank you for Elisa's great offer and very nice drive from Brian , all the chat with Louis and Howard were super cheerful as well , I am looking forward to join you for next trip :lol:
文章: 34
註冊時間: 週三 9月 06, 2006 10:55 am

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Hkimo » 週一 2月 23, 2009 10:42 am

Dear All:

Thank you.
Everyone provide me the special experience is south Taiwan.
I will arrange the picture and post it on the internet ASAP.
But I regret to say I lost some photo because of the mistake of computer.
But most pictures are ok.

I especially want to Thank Elisa provide this special opportunity for us to visit south Taiwan.

文章: 49
註冊時間: 週日 12月 02, 2007 4:07 pm

Re: 20090221~22, Fun Eating in Tainan & ChiaYi/ 美食之旅in嘉南

文章Fiona Li » 週一 2月 23, 2009 12:41 pm

Dear All,

Thanks you guys to give me such a good trip in Tainan!!
Thanks for Elisa's arrangement and all the drivers' car, it is really tired for driving
such a long distance. This trip is really meaningful, I never went to so many special
places, and ate soooooo much food there....I keep eating all the time and you make
my diet broken la!!! :cry:
Fiona Li
文章: 114
註冊時間: 週日 5月 11, 2008 9:41 pm


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