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20080830-31, Sun Moon Lake (share photos on our Picasa!!!)

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 12:58 am
Rendez-vous at
date: Aug 30
time: 07:15
place: Taipei Main Station, East Gate( 台北車站 東三門 集合)

Car*3: Brady Wang, Jammy Tsai, Helen Ho

Group A*13:Elisa Tai, Fiona Li, Tracy Weng, Grace Lee, Selena Chang, Clare Tseng, Ting Ku, Carmen Tao, Anita Liu,Happy Chan, Helen's sister1, Helen's sister2, Hans Lee
Group B*12 :Louise Kuo, Wofy Lo, Brady Wang, Carol Chang, Timothy Cheng, Jammy Tsai, Glan, Carrie Chung, Terry Yu, Leo Chang, Helen Ho, Elsa Lin

Girls*16: Louise Kuo(5/27), Elisa Tai(5/27), Fiona Li(5/27), Carol Chang(5/28 ), Tracy Weng(5/28 ), Carrie Chung(5/31), Grace Lee(6/2), Selena Chang(6/3), Clare Tseng(6/4), Helen Ho, Ting Ku, Carmen Tao, Anita Liu,Elsa Lin, Helen's sister1, Helen's sister2
Boys*9: Happy Chan(5/27), Wofy Lo(5/27), Brady Wang(5/27), Timothy Cheng(5/28 ), Jammy Tsai(5/30), Glan(5/30), Terry Yu(6/5), Leo, Hans Lee

Date: Aug 30-31, 2008
Deadline for registration: Jun 15, 2008
Limitation: 25 ppl max !!
Outing Activities: Having fun around Sun Moon Lake
Raining-Backup Date: N/A (if it rains, we will still go !)
Down Payment: NTD 1000 + NTD 750(registration fee for the swimming activity)
Banking info: bank code:081 , bank account: 888-113347-795
Transportation: Bus
Equipments for Group A:sun screen
Equipments for Group B:sun screen, personal flotation device, swimming suit
Outing conductor: Louise Kuo
Assistant outing conductor: Fiona Li

Link:萬人泳渡日月潭 http://www.puliswim.org.tw

**Participants can join one of the following groups:
Group A, cheer leader team - will NOT join the swimming activity. Conf qualifications below.
Group B, swimming brave kids - WILL join the swimming activity. Conf qualifications below.

By joining Group A, you should be able to eat, sleep, laugh and cheer people up.
By joining Group B, you should not only be able to eat, sleep, laugh, but also swim and take care of yourself in the water. A flotation device is REQUIRED. Please read carefully the full requirement described in the X file below: http://0rz.tw/7a47M. Please sign up by replying the following:
1. I have read and agreed with the full instructions described in the X file.
2. I'll obey the safety measures required.

Please send your personal info to me using the insurance file : http://www.happyforum.org/files/insurance.xls
Louise's email: chupkuo@gmail.com


7:15 台北車站 東三門 集合
7:30 ~10:00 台北 -- 霧峰
10:00~12:00 霧峰 921地震博物管+ 林家花園
12:00~12:30 霧峰 -- 草屯
12:30~13:30 草屯吃蚵爹(午餐)
13:30~14:15 草屯 -- 集集
14:15~16:30 集集火車站玩耍+綠色遂道腳踏車
16:30~17:00 集集--車埕(可搭 16:36的火車)
17:00~18:00 車埕老街玩耍
18:00~18:30 車埕--水里住處
18:30~   BBQ + beer 享宴

5:00 morning call
5:30~ 6:00 水里 -- 頭社
6:00~6:30 頭社吃早餐
6:30~7:00頭社 -- 霧社碼頭

Group A 去私房景點
Group B 去游泳

10:00~11:20 group AB 在德化社集合
11:20~12:00 德化社看原住民表演
12:00~13:30 原住民風味餐(瑪蓋旦餐廳)
13:30~14:00 移動
14:00~15:30 潭南國小、雙龍國小等 921後重建之校園建築參觀
15:30~17:00 水里--清水
17:00~18:30 清水高美溼地(玩水玩泥巴,看夕陽,要玩水的,請自備換洗衣服)
18:30~19:00 移動
19:00~20:00 梧棲漁港晚餐
20:00~ 肥家~

Dear All,

Sun Moon lake is one of the best-known scenic spots in TW. Thousands of foreigners visit the Sun moon lake by taking part in the "Sun moon lake swimming activity" every year. With its annual activity and its magnificent scenery, Sun moon lake is attracting more and more visitors as time goes by. Have you ever dreamed about enjoying the beautiful scenery or taking the challenge to swim across the lake?
YES, now you have the chance to realize your dream by attending HEA's Sun moon lake outing !
Join us ! you'll not only be able to exercise your body, but also feed your mind with achievements, enjoyments and a lot of laughters !!



文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 6:12 am
Happy Jan
1. I have read and agreed with the full instructions described in the X file.
2. I'll obey the safety measures required.

Please count me in group B.

The PDA and cellphone are in the bags IN THE WATER. They can protect your cameras and phones from water of the river. You can buy this kind of bags on internet.


文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 6:46 am
Wanna join Group B !!
Please count me in !! (... am I talking to myself... ?? )

1. I have read and agreed with the full instructions described in the X file.
2. I'll obey the safety measures required.

i wanna go

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 6:50 pm
I wanna go to Sun Moon Lake, too!
But I am still in Canada.
How can I register?

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 9:45 pm
Dear Louise:

Please count me in as group A first. I am sure I can eat, sleep, laugh and cheer people up but not sure if I can still alive when I jump into water.


文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 9:52 pm
I wanna join group B. It's about time to do some exercise 8)
I'll read the instructions later and try to obey the safety measures required.. wa ha ha ha :mrgreen:

Hey, of course I'm kidding, I'll take a close look at the X file.

To Louise & Fiona:
Thanks for holding this outing for us


文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 10:19 pm
Fiona Li
Please count me in Group A....coz I can't swim...hahaha
But I will try to be a nice member of the cheer group la!!

1. I have read and agreed with the full instructions described in the X file.
2. I'll obey the safety measures required.


文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 10:20 pm
Dear Julia,

Ha, welcome back to TW !
Just tell me which group you wanna join, and send me your personal data,
that's it !

Looking foward to seeing you soon !!

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 27, 2008 11:39 pm
I wanna join group C. I will dive with you guys.

Aha, just kidding.

Please count me in group B.



文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 6:39 am
Hi Julia,

Thank you for your personal data.
You'll be in Group A as you wish !

文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 7:08 am
I want to join Brady's group C. :P

文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 1:36 pm
Carol Chang
Dear Louise

it's great activity. Please count me in as group B.

1. I have read and agreed with the full instructions described in the X file.
2. I'll obey the safety measures required.


文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 2:49 pm
Tracy Weng
Hi All,

Please count me in.

Group A

Thank you~


文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 8:12 pm
狂神 寫:I want to join Brady's group C. :P

Hi John,

Welcome to join group C.

Coming back. I can tell you the nearest way to swim back. Swim across to the Arctic, then throught the Bering Strait.

If you are lucky, you can see the polar light in Alaska.

Starting right now, I think you can join the Sun Moon Lake outing just in time.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Aha, just kidding. How is your life in UK? must be gorgeous.

Best wish.


文章發表於 : 週三 5月 28, 2008 11:42 pm
Timothy W. Y. Cheng
Dear Louise,
Please count me in, I'd like to join group B.
I think we need to make time to do some drills together in this couple months.

Many Thanks!