Group A*8: Louise, Fiona, Jerry, Stanley,Sam, Vic, 效偉, Jeter
Group B*14: Timothy, Howard, Elisa, Ting, Willie, Denny, Dustin, Dustin's friend, Joe, Christine,Brady, Georgia, Alex, IrisDate: 2008.12.14 Sunday morning~Time: to be announced
Outing Activities: Summit Picnic at 二子坪 by Biking or Hiking
Raining-Backup Date: N/A
Down Payment: N/A
Transportation: Bus / Bike and feet
Conductors: Louise(Group A), Timothy(Group B)
Group A: Biking from 紅樹林 MRT Station to 二子坪(going uphill all the way !! 一路上坡~建議有常騎山路的人再來報名)
Requirement: Capable of long distance biking.( it'd be
very very very very tough !)
Group B: Hiking from 二子坪 > 面天山 > 向天池 > 二子坪 Requirement: Capable of walking and laughing( it'd be
very very very very easy!)
Dear All,
Let's meet up at 二子坪!
If you like biking, and wanna challenge the notorious 巴卡拉公路 from 紅樹林 MRT station to 二子坪, you'll definitely love the Group A's route !
If you like hiking, and wanna take a walk in Yang Ming mountain, you 'll surely love the trails that Timothy will lead you to for Group B !
Let's have a picnic altogether at 二子坪!!
It'd be very interesting to meet up at the summit and have fun together !
Itinerary:Group A:8:00 Gather at 紅樹林 MRT station
8:10 Let's go biking !!
紅樹林-->登輝大道-->北新路-->巴拉卡公路-->二子坪 --> 大屯山助航站 --> 二子坪
12:50 meet Group B at 二子坪
13:00~ Lunch in Restaurant
* a bicycle
* raincoat
* water
* high calorie chocolate
reference: B:二仔坪遊客中心→二仔坪公園→向天池→面天山→二仔坪遊客中心
(Don't forget to have breakfast before hiking.)
08:15 Get Together at
MRT 劍潭捷運站 Exit No1 (Red Line. Shall be on time!!!)
08:25~09:00 [小6 bus] Move to 二仔坪遊客中心
10:00~10:40 hiking (二仔坪公園→向天池)
10:50~11:20 hiking (向天池→面天山)
11:30~12:10 hiking (面天山→二仔坪公園)
12:20~12:50 joining forces(二仔坪遊客中心)
13:00~14:00 having lunch ( restaurant, somewhere in 二仔坪)
14:00~ being flexible
*umbrella or raincoat (shall carry one of them, in case of rain.)
*a pair of suitable shoes
*drinking water (at least 2 bottles)
* snacks, fruits, sandwich…
*spare clothes
(將壞的雨傘 傘面拆下 清洗乾淨 即是好用又方便收納的hiking坐布喔!)
The sites for reference: