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20100410, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 04, 2010 1:48 pm
Activity: Triathlon Race(三項全能競賽), you can find the introduction in wiki

Total:15ppl, Max:15ppl

Half Distance(半程)(X3):
$Paul, $Brian, $Brady

Triathlon Relays(接力)(X12):

Team 1: Tiffany(swimming), Iris(cycling), Nancy(running) Superwoman Team
Team 2: Dimitri(swimming), Mary(cycling), Chris(running)
Team 3: $Louise(swimming), $Jerry(cycling), $Elisa(running)
Team 4: $Matt(swimming), $Louis(cycling), $Maggie(running)


Time: 20100410

Place: 西湖渡假村

Registration deadline: 20100312

Half Distance Triathlon(半程)(4/10):Swimming:0.75km, Cycling:20km, Running:5km
Full Distance Triathlon(全程)(4/11):Swimming:1.5km, Cycling:40km, Running:10km
Triathlon Relays(接力)(4/10):Swimming:0.75km, Cycling:20km, Running:5km

For other details, check here

09:00-12:00 半程賽及鐵三角接力選手報到
12:10 選手檢錄
12:30 開幕式暨競賽說明
13:00 半程賽鳴槍下水
13:30 鐵三角接力鳴槍下水
14:20-14:30 第一名選手抵達終點
14:30-15:30 選手陸續抵達終點。
16:00-17:00 選手領車(逾時不候)
Seat arrangement:
Car1:PaulX5:(Paul, Iris, Iris' frinedsX2, Dimitri)
Paul & Dimitri please help to pick up Iris and her friends in 中壢 directly. We will meet you at 三義交流道 on 9:00.


Please bring:換洗衣物,個人用品,藥品,泳衣,相機,手電筒

Gathering Time:
4/10(Sat) 07:20 善導寺MRT Station Exit 5

09:00 Arrive 西湖渡假村
09~10 Walking around 西湖渡假村
10:~11 Lunch at 賴新魁麵館
12~17 Triathlon competition
19:00 Arrive 山板樵休閒農場
20~ 尋找螢火蟲/看星星/溫泉SPA

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 04, 2010 8:03 pm
Well ... I'm absolutely in!!!
Please count me in~
Does anyone also want to join in?


Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 04, 2010 9:18 pm
I may be interested in being your cheer leader...
does that count?? :shock:

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 04, 2010 10:22 pm
if i can run, i'll join the half one !

yes Iris, we need you !!

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週二 1月 05, 2010 12:14 pm
Half distance is too easy,full distance is too hard. Let me think about it.

Iron Man

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週二 1月 05, 2010 1:41 pm
paul 寫:Half distance is too easy,full distance is too hard. Let me think about it.
Iron Man

Hi Paul,

You can try half-distance triathlon again and then join full-distance one in June in 桃園.

Hi Brian, Iris, and Louise,

Great to know you also have interest in this. Let's start to practive. By the way, will Jerry join?

If anyone also wants to join, please let us know. It's fun to join the relays team(鐵三角) and just a little challenging for half-distance triathlon.


Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週二 1月 05, 2010 6:22 pm
Dear Brady;

I have a better idea, I can join the half distance on 4/10 and join the full distance on 4/11. Since my cute daughter will be the cheer leader, I believe I can get two first prizes.

Iron Man

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週三 1月 06, 2010 8:50 am
paul 寫:Dear Brady;
I have a better idea, I can join the half distance on 4/10 and join the full distance on 4/11. Since my cute daughter will be the cheer leader, I believe I can get two first prizes.

Iron Man

Dear Iron Man,
I know you are the best on some level,
however, you should give others the opportunity to win, and don't let them jealous,
I think Brady's suggestion may be a good option.

(the best way to comfort crazy is flattering. :mrgreen: )

Dear heroes & heroines,
I'd love to be the sweet helper of yours. :P

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週三 1月 06, 2010 11:29 pm
Dear Brady;

Iris is right, I should give others opportunity, so I decide to join the half distance.

Dear Iris;

Don't just be a helper or cheer leader, but be a participant. I will find the other 2 team members for you so that you can join the relay race. I believe there are thousands of people want to be your partners.

Iron Man

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週六 1月 09, 2010 12:42 pm
Chris Chen
Hello Paul,

I'm interested in the jogging part of the triathlon relays, I think 5km is still within the distance I could handle. Hope this time I could make it(what a shame I couldn't take place last time).

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 18, 2010 12:25 am
Dear Brady,
My friend Nancy will join the relays for running, and I can bike.


Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週三 1月 20, 2010 7:59 am
IrisChang 寫:Dear Brady,
My friend Nancy will join the relays for running, and I can bike.

Great.. and thanks.

Now we got 7 ppl to join this activity. It must be a lot of fun to enjoy the race in 西湖渡假村 and maybe we can also go to 龍騰斷橋 or 勝興車站 after that.

Anyone wants to join? Since we also need to carry our bikes there, I think there are a few seats available.

see some photos I found from internet.

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週三 1月 20, 2010 3:03 pm
Dear Brady,
My another friend Tiffany will join the relays for swimming,
so three of us will be a super girl relays team. :mrgreen:

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週三 1月 20, 2010 8:12 pm
Dear Brady;

Louis, Dimitri, Matt , Chris and Maggie would like join the relay race, I will push them to sign in when I am back to Taiwan.

Dear Iris;

I am pleased to compete with your team, I wish I can get better score than yours.

Iron Man

Re: 20100410~11, 2010 Triathlon Race in 苗栗西湖渡假村

文章發表於 : 週一 1月 25, 2010 4:05 pm
Dear Brady,

I wanna join the relay for swimming. Please sign me up.


PS. guys please help me practise, I don't wanna die in the lake. إن شاء الله