Sharks (male challengers): Paul, Brady, Stanley, Matt, Dimitri
Mermaids (female challengers): Kate, Yenni, Nicole, Yvonne Wu(Nicole's friend)
Humans (those who prefer staying dry): Brain, Ian, Chris, Yi, Iris, Claire, Nancy, Yvonne Lin
0730 善導寺五號出口集合
0800 出發
1100 紙箱王創意園區(園區參觀 午餐)
1300 東東芋圓吃冰
1330 大坑-埔里
1500 埔里酒場上廁所
1600 文武廟數年梯
1800 小太陽民宿BBQ
0700 morning call
0730 吃早餐
0800 出發
0830 朝霧碼頭管制點放Group A 去游泳
0845 水里遊客中心附近Group B 腳踏車 (司機先去德化社停車場)
1200 Group B 水里附近吃吃喝喝
1230 Group A 德化社停車場集合
1300 Group AB 吃飽飯在水里遊客中心集合
1330 三育基督神學院拍照&祕密花園玻璃屋喝茶
1530 出發往清水
1700 清水高美溼地看夕陽
1800 清水休息站吃晚餐
1900 溫暖的家
This outing will be held on 11th, 12th September, 2010, stay one night near the lake. The outing conductor is not as gorgeous as that of the river tracking one, but this outing will be just as gorgeous!!
Participants please pay and fill in the following forms.
The challengers have to sign the disclaimer (切結書) at my hand. So please come to the gathering to sign it or contact me
before 27th July, 2010:
Registration fee for Sun-Moon Lake Crossing: $800 (only for those who wants to swim)
Down Payment: $2000
Outing Conductor Bank Account: HSBC Direct(081): 886 880277 789 戶名:李旻晉
**Price includes:
-Transportation to the Lake
** Excluding registration fee**
Payment confirmation form info form those challengers have to sign the form in person. Try to sign it in the gathering, or try to contact me for that.
P.S. For those who didn't explicitly express their will against swimming, I put you in the challengers' list. You can change your species by posting here or contact me via MSN or Facebook or any other legal or illegal means.
P.S. 2 For those who told me they want to join but not in the list, please tell me. My memory is not sufficient recently...
P.S. 3 We have more swimmers than cheerleaders (though they might change their minds...)!! this probably never happened before...
P.S. 4 Can someone fix this fxxking forum? I've retyped this whole thing 4 times!!!