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20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 22, 2011 1:47 pm
Mango Fruit Season is Coming!!!! Let's go to my Dad's Happy Farm.

GOOD NEWS!!! We decide to hire a 25 Seater Bus for all of you who have registered this outing activity.
Please remit your downpayment and fill in your personal information. All of the actions should be completed before 6/18 (Sat.).

Thanks a lot for your cooperation!!!

Please fill the following spreadsheet as soon as possible!!!
In the meantime, please pay the payment(NT 3,000) before 6/18!!! Thank you.

*=get your personal information
$=get your downpayment

Dear All Happiers,
Up to now, we have 21 participants.

Below is the list of participants :
*$Pace, Momo, *$Shoron, *$Eureka, *$Claire Lee, *$Peggy, *$Brian, Brady, *$Stanley, *$Alex, *$Yi, *$Big Kevin, *$Sam, *$Henry and *$his wife, *$Jean, *$Louis, *$Ian, *$Phoebe Tien. Pace's friend-Davis and his girlfriend

Thanks for your great participation :D

Hey ladies and gentleman
The summertime is coming. So I think it’s the perfect time to plan our summer outing. Let’s put on shorts, flip flops, and T-shirts enjoy the pleasantly warm and genial sunshine in the southern Taiwan.

This time, I will take you to the southern Taiwan ( My Dad’s Happy Farm which is located in Liuguei(六龜), Kaohsiung County ) to enjoy the spectacular mountains and rivers. Let’s go to the Farm and experience farm life.

Activity: 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場體驗
Date: 2011/07/01(Fri, departure at 19:00)-2011/07/03(Sun)
Raining backup : N/A
Transportation: we will rent a bus
Downpayment: NTD 3000
Banking info: bank code:017 (兆豐商銀), bank account: 071-10-12777-0
Number of Participants: 20 ppl is the maximum

*a pair of suitable shoes
*drinking water
* snacks, fruits,
*tableware (例如:鋼杯,筷子)
*clothes, Sunglasses
*sun cream

7/1 (Fri.)
19:00 Gather in Taipei 圓山捷運站 Exit No.2
(Taipei → Brian 高雄家) Sleeping in the car and Brian’s house

7/2 (Sat.)
06:45 Get Up, eating breakfast
07:30 Sightseeing (walk to蓮池潭&龍虎塔)
09:00 Go hiking ( 搭車前往壽山龍泉寺登山口)
12:00 出登山口
12:30 Lunch Time-美濃林家客家粄條
14:00 美濃客家民俗村
15:00 Arrive Happy Farm
16:00 Hot spring ( 寶來不老溫泉)
18:00 Dinner time at Happy Farm ( 大廚: 蔡媽)
20:00 Karaok, Tea/ coffee time

7/3 (Sun.)
06:00 Wake up (散步、賞鳥、看日出)
07:00 Breakfast ( 大廚:蔡媽)
08:00 Sightseeing- 新威森林公園
09:00 文化之旅-一貫道神威道場
10:00 文化之旅-妙崇寺
11:00 Sightseeing-樹玫瑰園
12:00 Lunch time at 樹玫瑰園
13:00 Fruit picking ( Happy Farm 採水果)
14:30 啟程返回台北
18:30 慶功宴-At 彰化黑公雞土雞城
22:30 台北

Reference Website:
1. 蓮池潭&龍虎塔: http://mamahama.pixnet.net/blog/post/24284209
2. 美濃林家客家粄條: http://newbetty.pixnet.net/blog/post/33413230
3. 美濃客家民俗村: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/wendyannie-a ... &next=7691
4. 新威森林公園: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/zen/post/1320950415
5. 彰化黑公雞土雞城: http://blog.xuite.net/maomi/Food01/11067354
6. Happy Farm Photos

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 22, 2011 8:59 pm
Happy Jan
Dear Pace,

Thanks for sharing the photos by the 2nd method. Would you change it into the 3rd method? Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 22, 2011 9:02 pm
Cool !!!!!
I wanna play with hundreds of monkeys on 壽山.
I wanna eat delicious food cooked by 蔡媽.
I not only could play happy farm, but also could sleep at happy farm.
So please count me in!!! Thank you. :D


Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週一 5月 23, 2011 2:36 am
Thanks Pace.

Count me in please.

only 17 seats left.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週一 5月 23, 2011 8:22 pm
Gosh, my Japanese test is on July 3...

Re: 20110701-0703、Outing、高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 24, 2011 12:59 pm
Dear Pace;

Thanks for holding the outing activity, look forwards to visiting your father's happy farm and Brian's luxurious house in Kaoshung. Please count me and Yvonne in.


Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週六 5月 28, 2011 2:31 pm
Dear Pace

Please count me in, thanks


Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週六 5月 28, 2011 11:27 pm
Dear Pace;

I forgot my daughter will join the Joint College Entrance Exam on 7/1 & 7/2, I must accompany her, so I am afraid that I have to quit this outing, but Yvonne is still in. Hope I can visit your father's Happy Farm next time.


Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 29, 2011 1:33 am
Dear Pace,

Please count me in. Can't wait to visit Kaoshiung. Thank you for hosting this outing activity.


Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週日 5月 29, 2011 6:48 am
Me!me!me! Please count me in!! Thanks Pace.

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週五 6月 03, 2011 7:56 pm
count me in please!

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週六 6月 04, 2011 9:57 pm
Dear Pace,

Henry and momo were doing a great job to promote this outing.
Please count me in. I cannot wait for it!
Thank you so much in advance for your parents' and your kind hospitality :P

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週二 6月 07, 2011 11:30 am
Hey Girl ~
This is Kevin and thank you for your invitation.
Please count me in ~ Thank you !!! :D

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週二 6月 07, 2011 12:02 pm
Please count me in if it's still avaliable.

Claire Lee

Re: 20110701-0703, Outing, 高雄六龜客家文化+蔡爸快樂農場

文章發表於 : 週二 6月 07, 2011 5:42 pm
Please count me in !!
Thank Pace for hoding this activity.
