
20150418, Tainan Outing, 安平老街&安平樹屋

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20150418, Tainan Outing, 安平老街&安平樹屋

文章sukaxon » 週六 4月 11, 2015 11:33 pm

Dear Tainan happiers:

Don't waste the delightful spring time. So, we're going to have our 1st outing this year. According to the voting, we choose Anping as the destination for this outing and will enjoy some fun games in there!

Event:Fun Game at the Anping Street & Anping Tree House, Anping, Tainan
Conductor: KEN
Mobile:0919781902, sukaxon@gmail.com
Fee: Tainan citizen: Free
Others:The fee is $50 for the entrance ticket of Anping Tree House. Besides, the cost of shopping on food and souvenir is about $ 200.
預計參加的人會先集合再騎機車或開車前往。如果有興趣參加但是當天沒有辦法騎車或開車前往的人,請在此留言,或聯絡KEN。 我們會幫忙協調往返接送。

Rough plan:
13:30 自由空間前面集合出發, https://goo.gl/maps/jgVt1
14:00 安平樹屋前 西門國小側 集合. https://goo.gl/maps/Se3Ru
(可選擇直接到安平老街逛,但是14:00 一起在安平樹屋前集合)
14:10 分組, 以下活動以小組方式進行。
14:15 活動一:
請在規定時間內任選安平商圈徒步區內的一家小吃或點心店,品嚐其食物(需當場拍下所有組員與食物的合照,以資證明),並在發給的圖畫紙上畫出該食物(以便向觀眾展示)。15:20 集合後入園(樹屋),每組要向其他人用英文推薦該食物。全部的組介紹完畢之後,每個人向自己組以外的組投票,票選最好吃的食物。依票數多寡排名次。以名次得數量不等代幣。

16:00 活動二:樹屋大搜索。請仔細確認一下當場發給的圖片(總共有24張),並在安平樹屋的平面圖上標出拍攝者拍攝該照片時所站的位置,與照片編號。答對一張得一分。依分數多寡排名次。以名次得數量不等代幣。

16:40 活動三:

17:20 賦歸

Any one who wants to join our outing,please leave a message below, or our facebook. https://www.facebook.com/HappyEnglish.Tainan

You can get a nice map for playing around 安平 from this link:

Thank you!
文章: 188
註冊時間: 週六 2月 04, 2012 3:52 pm

Re: 20150418, Tainan Outing, 安平老街&安平樹屋

文章sukaxon » 週六 4月 18, 2015 10:14 pm

001.jpg (89.9 KiB) 被瀏覽 4170 次
20150418, Outing, Anping, Tainan
Outing on April 18th:
Good food, old street, quaint tree house, delightful spring afternoon, teaming & sharing with friends… what a wonderful time this outing! Hi, Gary, Amber, Bryan, Adam, Janice, and Jerry, thanks for joining the outing. We also welcome our visitors, Jennie, Kindle, and Alvin, as well as the little visitors, Dora, Mark, and Cindy to have fun with us together today!
Firstly, every team was struggling for the 5-minutes speech to introduce their chosen food in order to earn more votes. If they cannot keep speaking for 5 minutes, they need to do some dancing show for the rest of time. I think Dora’s little dancing show thus earned more votes because it’s too cute!
Then, everyone seemed confused and being beaten down for the 2nd game when they need to check the location of shooting the pictures on the map. But Bryan and Adam, why did you give up so early?
Finally, everyone picked up their gifts according to the rank of playing games. Bryan, appreciate your little pudding. I hope everyone really enjoy the outing today. Any picture and comment for sharing below are welcome!
Have a nice weekend. See you next gathering!
文章: 188
註冊時間: 週六 2月 04, 2012 3:52 pm

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