
20140510, Minutes, Kaohsiung

聚會記錄 (Minutes)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20140510, Minutes, Kaohsiung

文章lisa0213 » 週一 5月 12, 2014 12:33 pm

Dear Happiers,
We welcomed two new friends this week, Joy and Amy. They both are students, and major in finance and mechanics respectively. Although they are shy as most of our happiers(:P), we still learned something from them. We discussed about the wind power and their daily activity for a short time. Joyce shared her experience for dealing with autism children after.

Thanks for Ken’s speech. He shared us about the American tipping custom in some specific situation. When we entered one restaurant, do we need to pay for the one who help us open the door, serve our meals (waiter/ waitress), and by what kind of way we give, cash or credit card? When we stayed in one hotel, for those porters, concierges, and those who help us deliver the meals, the laundry or towels (anything we need), how much should we give them? It was interesting.

For the topic of discussion, about google glass, some think it is a great combination and demonstration of creativity so that we don’t need so much equipment as digital video recorder, camera and mobile phone with us. However, there is some inconvenient from progressive technology, especially in Asian culture. The boss could supervise our works even he is far apart, and asks us to keep in contact and should response immediately. One happier mentioned that if google glass could help people to see farther objects clear, it attracts!

Thanks for everyone taking part in the gathering, so that we always know something new from each other.

文章: 228
註冊時間: 週一 5月 06, 2013 12:54 pm

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