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20110319, Minutes, Hsinchu

文章發表於 : 週日 3月 20, 2011 9:32 am
White lies issue triggered the chance of closer look into the true self that has a sense of integrity, of connected wholeness. Unfortunately, in reality, we all experience the challenge of telling a white lie, mostly for our own benefit. In this way, a white lie is an option. However, under some tough circumstances like the urgent cases in hospitals, a white lie turns into a must.

In some situation, fibbing isn't a crime, or rather it is just showing the false self. When a person has to comply with external rules, such as being polite or otherwise following social codes, then a false self is used. The false self constantly seeks to anticipate demands of others in order to maintain the relationship.

We all like truth, but we can't resist untruth, either. This leaves the controversial question unanswered, "Whether white lies are more popular than the truth ?"
