There were 5 members in the gathering this week. In the first part free talk, we shared some ideas and interesting stories about studying languages.
Second part, the speaker Laura shared what she read this week that was related to ''simple life'' and it matched the subject ''The economics of happiness'' we would disssuss that day. We talked about how to let our life become simple and why does the population of Bhutan feel happer than other countries but they don't have lots of matrial. At the same time, we gave ourself a mark for happiness and explain why.
We discovered that the happiness wasn't only money. Of course, we still need certain material to live but families, friends, healhy body and a stable job are much easier gave us happiness. I'm happy about some participants gave themself a good mark and some participants didn't have a good mark but still have courage to change.
It was a nice afternoon for me and I hope all participants had the same one.