This week, my awareness of summer vacation's arrival got awakened can chiefly attribute to the vast absence of our good old members, for the cause is quite simple: people just go traveling!
I am not going to blame you, but you those fleeing out to dodge the heat of Taiwan should feel sorry for us, who stayed, discussed, and endured(the scorching heat). Anyhow despite the joiners were not many, we have most engaging talk during the meeting, thanks to the knowledge of the article: how to talk to anybody with anything.
4 people were there, all legendary figures: Never-looked-like-having-two-sons Shuni, a name as impressive as its person Linus, Denise, and a host, photographer, plus an after-meeting Minutes writer Conan(Gosh!). Our talk wandered through Myanmar culture, hot dogs, Religions, ship building industry of Kaohsiung, and of course our article-attached 5 questions.
Ok, let's call it a day, unless writing Minutes can make me money.