
20130817, Minutes, Kaohsiung

聚會記錄 (Minutes)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20130817, Minutes, Kaohsiung

文章lisa0213 » 週五 8月 23, 2013 7:24 pm

Dear Happiers,

We had little chat about the superstition of wearing black T-shirt from some of us while coming the Ghost Month Ceremony. Most of us didn't think it too serious.

Then, we started to talk about making someone cry. Happiers cry for various things, and Shuni said he just laughed himself into crying. Maybe it's just my problem ever having a girl cry and I had no idea doing anything. What a shame. Anyway, we thought if we wanna cry, just do it, don't think too much.

Members for us seem honest on things, they tend to say things directly or just make some excuses on something like a sick leave or a vacation. For my perspective, white lie is sometimes for a greeting. I was glad John talked a lot about his love affair that was encouraged not just to keep say white lies but to take action.

Compare to white lie, hint language is also not popular among us because lots of us are not used to it. But, I suppose sometimes "hint language" goes for purpose, doesn't it?

Drawing to a close, we had a discussion about having trouble of no partner beside from the example of John's story. Shall we be too picky or not use these skills above? Some said It's allright to have May-December romance, and still others said I am happy living myself, it's freedom, but maybe the Mr. Right is yet coming. There should still have been many aspects to deliberate about. Thanks Mr. Shuni's couples for sharing their love story, marriage value and so on. Good luck, Happiers.

Don't think too much...

By You-Can
文章: 228
註冊時間: 週一 5月 06, 2013 12:54 pm

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