
20101225, Saturday Dinner, Taipei, 佘家孔雀蛤大王

週六晚餐 (Saturday Dinner)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20101225, Saturday Dinner, Taipei, 佘家孔雀蛤大王

文章JoeTseng » 週日 12月 19, 2010 2:05 pm

Dear all,

I will be your gourmet this week. We are going to have dinner at 佘家孔雀蛤大王(Since 1981).

Name: 佘家孔雀蛤大王(淡水店)
Address: 台北縣淡水鎮中正路55號地下一樓 (淡水MRT出站5分鐘)
Tel: 02-86310526
Price: 220-350 NTD

That day will be Xmas, so we will have second round in this town after dinner.
There are some events and firework during Xmas season this year.
It will be very nice for the night.
Hope you guys will join with us to have fantastic Xmas night.
About the info.,You can check the link below:

文章: 65
註冊時間: 週三 9月 22, 2010 11:00 pm
來自: 新莊, Taipei

Re: 20101225, Saturday Dinner, Taipei, 佘家孔雀蛤大王

文章ianchang » 週二 12月 21, 2010 8:43 am

Cool!! Fireworks by the riverside in Danshui!!
What a beautiful Xmas!! I can't wait!!


JoeTseng 寫:Name: 佘家孔雀蛤大王(淡水店)
Address: 台北縣淡水鎮中正路55號地下一樓 (淡水MRT出站5分鐘)
Tel: 02-86310526
Price: 220-350 NTD

That day will be Xmas, so we will have second round in this town after dinner.
There are some events and firework during Xmas season this year.
It will be very nice for the night.
文章: 98
註冊時間: 週三 10月 14, 2009 11:59 pm

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