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hello, everyone, I am new member

文章發表於 : 週三 9月 06, 2006 1:17 pm
Hi, everyone, I am happy that I discovered this website.
I come from Taichung, and I am a college student.
This website really provide me with a lot of things and resouces I can learn....
Thank you!!

文章發表於 : 週五 9月 08, 2006 7:51 am
Terry Chiu
Hi Tsungfang
Very glad that you can join this website
I am join this website for some tome
I know more friend in here, and study a lot of English
They will give you a lot of guidance and suggestion
So you can have more growth here
Very gled to meet you
My MSN : c_h_tsung@hotmail.com