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what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 2:14 pm
what do you think about it and how do you think about it??
what the difference between them??
ex..有人問我說xx公司如何?這分別用what 和 how,語意有什麼不同呢?
是要用what 還是 how?? 怎麼區分?

i wanna go to attend the session this Saturday,but i feel nervous!....

thanks for your answer~ :D

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 2:51 pm
Don't be nervous. Remember these two most commonly used samples:

What do you think of it?
How do you like it?

See you this Saturday. :mrgreen:

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 3:05 pm
thanks for your reply :D
i got it!!

how to use what do you think about it and how do you think about it??
ex.. 1、A"what do you think about the movie?
B"it's good.
2'、A"how do you think about the movie?
B" ???
(i don't know how to write) ^ ^
am i right?? hehe

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 3:31 pm
If you ask me how I think about the movie, I'll answer with my brain.

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 8:02 pm
If I can put it in a more sensible way of explaining the two sentences.

"What do you think about it?"

A question of this kind appeals to things that are more "concrete"

While "How do you think about it" may appeal to things that are more emotional

For example--> Q: What do you think about this company?
A: Well, the decor is good, the furniture looks nice, I like where the office buildings are situated.

On the other hand---> Q: How do you think about this company?
A: Well, it is pressurizing when you enter it, I don't feel that the people here are very friendly, overall I don't quite enjoy the emotions when I enter the company.

These two ways are asking questions may be confusing, it's worth scrutinizing deeper.

NEVER FEAR to come to the gathering, the "Happiers" are ALWAYS extremely friendly!!!!!

See you on Saturday~!

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 10:25 pm
you are so nice!!
your English is very GOOD!!
i got it ~
thanks for your answer ^ ^

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週三 8月 12, 2009 11:04 pm
sorry i misunderstood!!
我朋友是好像是我問 "這公司狀況如何(可能是指營運方面)" ~"~
so his interrogative was wrong??
sorry to bother you again!! :shock:

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週四 8月 13, 2009 9:58 am
hakee 寫:If I can put it in a more sensible way of explaining the two sentences.

"What do you think about it?"

A question of this kind appeals to things that are more "concrete"

While "How do you think about it" may appeal to things that are more emotional

For example--> Q: What do you think about this company?
A: Well, the decor is good, the furniture looks nice, I like where the office buildings are situated.

On the other hand---> Q: How do you think about this company?
A: Well, it is pressurizing when you enter it, I don't feel that the people here are very friendly, overall I don't quite enjoy the emotions when I enter the company.

These two ways are asking questions may be confusing, it's worth scrutinizing deeper.

NEVER FEAR to come to the gathering, the "Happiers" are ALWAYS extremely friendly!!!!!

See you on Saturday~!

Hans, you are always amazing with such clear and thorough explanations! What an asset you are to our club!! Look forward to seeing you this Saturday.

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週四 8月 13, 2009 10:54 pm
In that case, you'd ask something like "How is the financial standing of your company"?

Or maybe something like "How is the company doing financially? Is it doing positive in the books(in this case accounting books of the firm)"

Carmen, you're over reacting, I'm just trying to help!

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 14, 2009 9:54 am
thank hakee for your answer ^ ^
i got it :D

Re: what do you think about it and how do you think about it??

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 14, 2009 3:12 pm
So are you coming on Saturday? i.e. tomorrow?

It will be a lot of fun!!!