
Read To Write

英文心得 (English Feedback)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

Read To Write

文章chister » 週三 12月 23, 2009 4:29 pm

If I tell you reading can help writing, you may not be that impressed, especially when you think writing is about putting together a bunch of grammatically correct sentences. And don't we all have reading classes, which are often developed and employed as an extension of grammar learning in school or at 'bu-shi-bahn'? Yes, reading certainly works.

But reading can do more than that, way more. The reward from reading is that it sharpens our mind power or thinking abilities, which are key to successful writing, and speaking. Here are some of its effective uses to help us write better:

a. Rewrite the story – pick any short, simple article (few new words to you) that you can finish reading in a matter of few minutes (read a couple of times if you have to). Then rewrite the story in your own way and in your own words and sentences without looking back at the article again.

For a sample practice, read this news article titled Banks Share Information on the website http://www.cdlponline.org/index.cfm?fus ... toryID=124, and then rewrite it.

b. Summarize the story – recap the most significant, important or interesting part of the reading, again, in your own style without twisting the author's meaning.

Practice summary writing using the same news article mentioned above.

c. Comment on the story – to what extent do you agree or disagree with the author's points? Can you develop your argument logically and persuasively? Just developing one short paragraph after every reading is probably the best training you can have for any writing test prep.

These three writing practices associated with reading will help you develop solid writing skills if you do them regularly. Post your practice writing and I'm more than happy to share mine with you.

Write on.
文章: 10
註冊時間: 週四 12月 17, 2009 12:46 pm
來自: Taiwan

Re: Read To Write

文章chawesta » 週三 12月 23, 2009 11:04 pm

The article is chosen from Wikipedia on BACKPACKING. See the links below to check out.

The following is a piece of opnion of mine:

Backpacking is a term to refer to independent travel or buget travel. It has become a unregular traveling style that people goes traveling with limited budget, moves by public transports and lives in cheap accomidations. Some reserches point out that the backpackers is a sub-cultural group of strong self-identification. Backpacking is prospurous in 2000s, mainly because of low-cost airlines, cheap hostels and convenient communications to get informations so as to plan and excute a long-term traveling.

1. Backpacking refers to independent travel and/or budget travel.
2. Backpackers have strong self-identification.
3. Cheap airlines, hostels and easy communications help backpacking to become popular in 2000s.

I agree that backpacking is an unregular way to travel with low budget. I myself thinks backpacking is a way to experience life when one is young. By means of traveling, people learns to be independent, strong and becomes more willing to share feelings with each other. It's also a good way to know different cultures. Therefore, backpacking, or I might prefer it being called budget traveling, provides a good solution to one with little money, and a stong mind to take a glance at this colorful world.
文章: 11
註冊時間: 週一 10月 26, 2009 11:17 pm

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