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文章發表於 : 週五 11月 17, 2006 6:21 pm
1. I flunked the English exam.
:oops: 我英文考得很爛。

2. I trashed the GEPT.
:x 我全民英檢毀了。
【註:「GEPT」是「General English Proficiency Test」的首字縮寫】

3. I failed the oral test.
:( 我口試不及格。

4. I didn't pass the written test.
:cry: 我筆試沒過。

5. I bombed out.
:? 我考砸了。

6. Oh, my goodness! I blew everything this semester.
:x 老天啊!我這學期每科都考砸了。

7. I did poorly/terribly on my finals.
:oops: 我期末考考得很差/很糟。

8. I screwed up the prelim.
:roll: 我初試考壞了。

9. I flailed the chemistry test. (flail=fluster and fail)
:cry: 我化學因為緊張考砸了。

10. I messed up.

11. I made the grade.
:roll: 我及格啦!

12. I just barely passed.
:lol: 我勉強及格

13. Well, fair to middlin'.
:wink: 嗯,差強人意

14. I did O.K./did so so.
:oops: 我考得還可以/考得馬馬虎虎啦!

15. I made exactly 60.
:x 我剛好考60