由 bradywang » 週二 7月 07, 2009 10:52 am
Hello every brave guys/ladies,
The outing date of this paragliding trip and Stunt kit flying is 19th/July.
Below is the participate list.
If you are happened to unable to join, please let me know or send a message to me.
If you are not in the list and you also want to join, also let me know.
Looking forward to flying in the sky in 19th July with you guys.
Best regards.
Total: 27 ppl
CARX5: Brady Wang(5), Louise Kuo(5),Warren Chiang(6), Paul(6), Louise's friends(5),Brian(backup)
GIRLX12:Ting Ku(3/June),Iris Chang(4/June), Iris' friendX2(4/June), Louise Kuo(4/June), Shoron(4/June), Jennifer(4/June), Kate Huang(4/June),晶晶(5/June),Elisa(6/June),Nicole Liu(7/June),Karen(7/June)
BOYX11:Brady Wang(3/June), Wofy(4/June), Dustin(4/June),Jerry Kuo(4/June),Paul(5/June),Howard(4/June),Brian(6/June),Louise's friendsX4
Family:Warren ChiangX4(5/June)