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Time:第 36 次例會,2009年 9月 12日(週六)下午2:30 ~5:30
14:30~14:45 : Short Free Talk
14:45~15:45 :First Article discussion session(Question 1, 2)
15:45~16:00 :Change Seats, and then break time
16:00~16:40 :Second Article discussion session(Question 3, 4, 5)
16:40~17:00 :Speaker Session
17:00~17:10 :Host invites attendants to share feedback
17:10~17:30: Happy Time Session
NOTE: Every attendant please brings this article your own to the gathering place
Host: Theresa
Speaker: Alvin
Happy Time Conductor: Winny
Photographer Conductor:
Topic::How to Love That Woman in the Mirror
source: http://www.oprah.com/article/omagazine/200801_omag_etcoff_beauty?cnn=yes
The amount of misery we suffer just from the heft of our thighs, not to mention the misbehavior of our skin, just might—if you could quantify it—inspire a global initiative. The topic has certainly intrigued Nancy Etcoff, PhD, author of Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, and a Harvard Medical School psychologist whose research concentrates on appearance and happiness. Three years ago she founded the Program in Aesthetics and Well-Being at Massachusetts General Hospital to explore how concepts of beauty relate to satisfaction. Recently she sat down with O to tell us what she's learned:
1: Do you agree with the statement " a woman's happiness is based on her appearance" ?? Please tell me the reason.
2: Do you think that appearance is very important to a woman in any kinds of occassions?
3: Except for appearance, what elso do you think is also very important to a woman/ man? Please make an example and share your point of view.
4: Do you know anyone who cares too much of his/her appearance?? Do you have any comments or suggestions for this kind of person?? Please give me examples and your comments/suggestions.
5: Except for good looks, what else can you get the self-confidence and happiness for you?
新竹,每週六 (2008年8月起)
Hsinchu, Every Saturday
from Aug, 2008